FROZEN CHICK - Hanging on. . . HELP!

I'm sorry about your chick

I'd be MAD right now if I was you. I've never ordered chicks before, but arn't they supposed to make it clear to EVERYBODY that theres live chicks in the box??? poor babies..
Poor chickies, I would be awefully angry at the postal people. Is it not obvious that there are young chicks in there that cant be left out in the cold???
I'm really sorry the little one didn't make it.
I would probably not let them send me any replacement chicks until spring-just so you don't have to deal with this again.
Go easy on the USPS everyone, they are the ONLY carrier who will deliver chicks (or bees!). UPS & FedEx won't handle them last time I checked. My dh is a carrier and they all are very concerned about making sure that chicks get where they're going safely but many don't realize how warm they need to be. He had to explain to his office that putting them outside where it's 'cooler' isn't the right thing to do (like it would be for a puppy or kitten), they may very well have thought they were doing what was best for the babies.

I'm sorry to hear about yours, it might be worth going to the PO and explaining how warm they need to be before any replacements are on order.
I happened to recently discuss eggs/chicks/bees/crickets with my mail carrier and I think they are actually very concerned about the lives that come through the PO. They keep them separate from the other packages and try to be very careful, so she says. I got smart and started calling the PO to be on the look out for special packages and to have them hold them at the PO for me to pick up. We are at the end of the delivery route and don't get our mail until 5 pm sometimes. I only have ever ordered eggs and the thought of them riding around on the truck all day drives me crazy. I also try to catch up with my mail carrier and let her know whats coming or I leave her a note. They call me in the morning when the package is being sorted for the routes and I go get it at the PO.

I'm so sad for your little chick.
What I've learned is that FedEx deals with a portion of the handling - the flying I guess. I don't think it was the PO necessarily, but maybe they sat on the tarmac too long.
It was a mistake. The postal service is usually very good about that stuff. Around here when they hear a box chirping they get excited and I evcen open the box so they can see them.

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