Frozen eggs


Opa-wan Chickenobi
12 Years
May 11, 2008
Howell Michigan
Man this cold weather is hard to put up with. It was 6 degrees last night with subzero chill factors. I had one hen lay an egg is the floor in front of the pop out door and I missed it. This morning when I was checking on the birds I found it, frozen solid and split lengthwise. Anyone else having eggs freeze?
I didn't realize my ducks were laying last week so lost the entire first 6, frozen and split. Saved the 7th, froze the 8th and got the 9th as of last night. The chicken's eggs are not freezing so far! In fact, I'm pretty pleased one BO hen and one Gold Lace Wyandotte hen are both trying to become broody hens:) I'm going to encourage them, place an egg shaped rock in one nest so when its warmer they can try raising a brood- a long shot, but worth a try.
Yes..I didn't think to check the horses hay feeders for eggs and sure enough I found one while mucking the stall. The sumatra pullets roost high and one must have thought it was a cool nest. My dog had a ball with it throwing it in the air and digging in the snow for it.
wonder if the horses had fun w/it, too?

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