
I'm sorry you went through that Sumi but happy that you were able to save one of them

I do sincerely appreciate all of the advice and support I have received on this forum but I am going to shift this thread back to its original context for a second.

Anyone but me think it's too little too late for the breeder to call me now after I've posted on here that I got sick chicks from him and will possibly notify the state vet? Then didn't even leave a voicemail which is just rude. The fastest incubating chicken illness that I know of can incubate in as little as 17 hours my chicks symptoms showed up much sooner than that. These chicks had something when I bought them and the stress of the move on one of them exacerbated a subclinical infection (that means asymptomatic or not showing signs) and it took off through my little flock as most avian illnesses do. Again, symptoms appeared too quickly for at least one of them NOT to have been infected.

As I have said I don't think he knowingly sold sick birds and that is why I haven't named names. But I do think he should have made some effort when notified of their illness. As far as the brooder, if you google making a brooder, you will find (I think on ehow) that very same set up suggestion. It MAY serve okay for a short while with healthy chicks in a larger number than 6 but I don't see how as I could not ever get temp above 79 degrees without additional lights. But I do think he did his research, just not carefully enough.

I can think of no reason to call me now unless it is to tell me that he has sick birds now and has a name for what is killing my chicks but surely if that were the case he would have left a voicemail. And I honestly can think of nothing he can do. I can't let him replace the birds. All he could do would be refund money but that doesn't give me well birds.

I am honestly sorry to vent like this but Stella has taken a turn for the worse just as I thought things were looking up. I am fairly certain that I won't save her this time. She has spent so much of her short life eating out of my hands that I am very attached to her and will be heart broken if I don't pull her through. My assessment is that only Typhoid Sneezy (the original sick bird) and Lola will survive this.

I hate to be a hard ***** but I really don't want to talk to the guy.
I won't hold it against you if you tell us you went round to the breeder and punched him! Go ahead and vent. Heck, all you wanted was some chicks and you've had nothing but stress and heartbreak. I remember how upset I was when I lost Hope. I tore a strip off the guy I got her from for letting her get so bad before letting me help. And he knew I'd help anytime. And then to try and try and pray and cry and pray some more, only to lose her... I even went to our human doctor's for antibiotics. (He gave me a prescription, free of charge) It's hard. It's really hard.
I'm so sorry to hear about Stella. If there's still hope, I hope she pulls through.
You need something good to come out of this nightmare.

And report him! Please! At the very least the vet should go see what's going on at his place and make sure he doesn't sell sick chicks again.
Surprisingly alive! She was wheezing sooo badly yesterday that I had made the decision yesterday evening to stop all extreme measures with her and if she showed no improvement was going to cull her this morning as a kindness. That decision lasted for about 4 hours and I started giving her antibiotics by hand again.

Her breathing has noticeably improved and she is picking at food on her own a little. She had rebounded pretty strongly once before so I am reluctant to get my hopes up.

Thank you again so much for your support Sumi. It's so sweet for you to ask about her. I am trying to spend some time with the other little gals. I think that is what happened to my lil one that dies, I was so fixated on sneezy that I missed her symptoms altogether because they weren't as severe.

The picture is of the three that seem to feel pretty good right now. They think I am a hen and crawl all over me. LOL They won't get two feet away from me outside and if I walk away they run peeping after me. Hubby says I have to sleep on the couch when I moult.
I'm so glad she's better!
Hope she keeps improving.
Your babies are beautiful, Mom. It's nice to hear a story of someone making an effort for their chickens and really trying, even if the odds are stacked against them. When I start fretting about chicks and try to help I get funny looks and people laughing at me. It's only my vet friend that's with me here. It's nice to meet another "chicken crazy" lol.
And I really hope this sad story will have a happy ending for you.
Thanks again Sumi. She (ah now it appears that she is a he along with sneezy) is still improving since putting them back on the anibiotic. I'll keep you posted.
Hi, sorry Sumi. I am in SC. My father had to have heart surgery rather urgently so I have had to leave the babies in the capable hands of my hubby and children. They assure me that all is well. The day I left, Stella/roo was playing. She/he was hopping up to the little roosting areas and leaping onto Zaxby over and over. Lol. I thought it was funny. Zaxby, not so much. They are all into trying to fly off of the roosts right now. (the roosts are about 2 inches tall lol)
I completely understand where you are coming from. I was a very responsible Boston Terrier breeder for a few years and also bred collies. I was very dedicated to having healthy dogs and pets were pets-insisting on neuter/spay non-breeding and show quality.

That gut thing-yeah, it often is best to go with it, I've found as well. Sorry this happened to you. We still want to trust others and some are just better BS-ers than others.

I bet you have the nicest parrots around!

Hopefully, you'll get past this and reconsider getting some chickens. That guy needs to stop lying about his so called, 'knowledge."

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