FS: Chicken saddles (wing protector) and goose, duck, chicken diapers

oh my goodness TESS they came today and they are TOOO adorable! and the little one will fit perfectly not and the other looks good for when they're big girls! I have one question though, do u use regular full size plastic baggies or do you cut them down? Or anyone who has them already can take that question..thanks!
I'm so happy you're happy.
Those are pretty little so I would use a pantyliner and papertowel combo. Thanks for ordering.
My BAs are well loved by my amorous roo. I could use 4 saddles, and I love the ones you did for Morgaine. Can you PM me the shipping cost to 43988? Thanks.
These are so adorable - and practical! I will be ordering some for sure for my call ducks once they hatch and get bigger. I hope you are still making them by then. I have a 13 month old daughter, so chicken/duck poo can't be anywhere on our floors even though I know I'll want to have my duckies out with me a lot.
Scifisarah: I will be making them. Just give me a PM when you are ready. Thanks.

OK... Morgaine. I used that almond soap tonight. Yes I locked myself in the bathroom and no kids and a hot tub. That stuff is awesome.
I feel so relaxed and calm. And I smell like a million bucks. Thanks so much. That is something I wouldn't have bought for myself and it was a great trade. I will be telling more about your soaps. They are great!!! I crochet body clothes and those would be great gifts to add in a basket.
BTW: I got your snaps tonight and I will be sending them out tomorrow morning or Monday.

Well I'm glad I'm relaxed because you girls are keeping me busy with these saddles and diapers. So glad everyone is happy!!!
I'm wanting to buy a pool for the kids this summer with my extra cash!!!!

They are here !!!They are here!!!
I love them and I can not wait to try them out. I am on my way to work right now but I will be posting pictures as soon as I get home.



PS I mean try them on my chickens I don't think they my size.
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Can you make them in Coach, Dolce and Gabbana, Prada, Gucci or Louis Vuittine? lol

if you did, paris would be carrying around a Chicken Next Week in Beverly Hills! lol

btw, These that you make are amazing!!! I hope to place an order sometime within the near future myself! - but by then, you'll be a millionaire and forget all about us! haha
I would have to charge more to make a million.

Here are some new prints. I love the skulls. These are going to a lady who has a pair of Leghorns. The black will really show on them well. What a pair.
I can't wait to see the pics of these.


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