FS: MN Chicks, Hens, etc.


11 Years
Dec 16, 2008
Hudson, WI
I have several 3 week old Ameracauna pullets for sale.

I have several Buff Orp hens, about 9 mo old, laying well

I have a few other young hens (8-10 mo old) all laying. A Black Star, a few Black Sexlinks, Bantam Black Cochins, and maybe one or 2 others.

Chicks $8

Hens $12

Roos - FREE!

I live in Hudson, WI and work in the Twin Cities
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I have (as of right now) 4 Buff Orpingtons hens, a few other purebred laying hens, and I have 6 five-week old Ameracauna pullets. These hens will begin to lay blue/green eggs by the middle of summer.

purebred hens - $12

pullet chicks - $8

I am located just outside of Hudson, WI.

704 E. Hwy 12

Hudson, WI 54016

Take the #4 exit off of hwy 94. (Hwy 12/Sommerset exit)

Go North to the 3rd stoplight, turn right (Hwy 12)

Go down approx. 1 mile. My house is on the left. There is a large For Sale/For Lease sign in the yard.

Everything is on a first come basis. I've had too many people say they are coming and then don't show.


Feel free to call and see what I have! 651-334-2551

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