Full Moon Setting - 05/05/12 Anyone what to join?

So sorry Silver fox
So sorry Silver fox

thanks i needed some king words i feel like such a prat

im a grown man with 3 kids and the moment i saw the blood i cryed as i knew i killed the poor thing and i been feeling real poo all day

i couldnt even eat dinner i went off my food in upset
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Not sure if it helps, but I also did the same thing my first time around. It is heartbreaking, that was one of the few I actually buried. Felt like crud for about 2 weeks now I am sad when I think about it. That is one of the reasons, I swore I would never help a chick again, however, this time I did and I saved it not killed it.
Not sure if it helps, but I also did the same thing my first time around. It is heartbreaking, that was one of the few I actually buried. Felt like crud for about 2 weeks now I am sad when I think about it. That is one of the reasons, I swore I would never help a chick again, however, this time I did and I saved it not killed it.

Ducks was my first time so wasnt sure what to expect and i thought it needed help

atleast i know for next time although that wont be for a while now
Sorry SilverFox. On the other hand, I have had 3 chicks hatch. One pip. And a zipper. I also bought 2, 1 week old Silkies, A black and a white. I also bought a 4 month old Buff Orpington.
I have 7 hatched over the past 2 days & another zipping.

Already hatched I have: 2 Lemon Cuckoo Orps, 2 Ameraucanas, 2 Silkies & 1 Mottled Houdan (that was supposed to be a Silkie, eggs were mis-marked).

Still to hatch I have: 4 Lemon Cuckoo Orps (1 is zipping now), 5 Call Ducks, 6 Lavender Orps, 1 Assorted Orp, 2 Saxonies, 1 Black East Indie, 1 Runner, 7 BYM (including 2 BCM Mix), 1 Silkie (from my new Girls), & 4 eggs under my 2 Broody Banties (3 Banty BYM & 1 from my Girls).

Then I start all over with these coming in the next 2 weeks: almost 3 dozen Silkies, 6 Assorted Marans, 9 Assorted Cochins & 3 Jersey Giants.
congrats to everyone thats had chicks hatch

i couldnt bear the loss of my 2 ducks so i decided to order some

so on 11june i should be getting some white campbell ducks

dunno if i wanna try ducks again to too shite scared i am not experienced enough

chicken im a whiz with now and get good hatches from them
congrats to everyone thats had chicks hatch

i couldnt bear the loss of my 2 ducks so i decided to order some

so on 11june i should be getting some white campbell ducks

dunno if i wanna try ducks again to too shite scared i am not experienced enough

chicken im a whiz with now and get good hatches from them

Well good luck on your new ducky babies. Hope they arrive healthy. I bet baby ducks are so much fun!

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