Full Moon Setting - 05/05/12 Anyone what to join?

Hey can I join? I set my egg on the 5th. On day 4 now. This is my first hatch EVER so only one Ameraucana egg.

the thread belongs to rachaels so its her call but im sure she will add you to the group

do you have plans to get day old chicks when the egg hatches

they are flocking birds and will be lonley and that can cause the chick to die

it will need mates
the thread belongs to rachaels so its her call but im sure she will add you to the group

do you have plans to get day old chicks when the egg hatches

they are flocking birds and will be lonley and that can cause the chick to die

it will need mates
Yeah. I'll spend some money to get a little friend for the chick. I'll probably only get one more so then I will have 2. That's all I need lol.
Yes, I REALLY want some Lav Orp also, but I have 2 breeds and 2 project breeds and DH would kill me (or the chickens) if I get anymore, LOL!

silverfox, the Barred Rock makes for such interesting combos.

alyssa13, Welcome aboard!!! You only have 1 egg total or just one Ameraucana egg?
alyssa13, sorry just realized there were additional post that I did not read LOL! When I first started I got a dozen eggs and they cost me $45, only 1 hatched, so I got her a friend, they only had Barred Plymouth Rocks so that's what I got. The two of them are my Avatar. They are now over a year old and moms :) I also said I only needed 2
alyssa13, sorry just realized there were additional post that I did not read LOL! When I first started I got a dozen eggs and they cost me $45, only 1 hatched, so I got her a friend, they only had Barred Plymouth Rocks so that's what I got. The two of them are my Avatar. They are now over a year old and moms :) I also said I only needed 2

how true is that

i asked a mate for some chicks and he agreed to gimem some pullets

it was gonna be a while so i decided to order some POL i ordered 3 and one day before delivery i took my kids to his house and he gave my 2 kids 1 each [which i love to bits my kids named then Rosey and Dora]

from there the 3 arrived and then i ordered 2 more POLS making 7

from there i incubated 6 and only 1 looked good so i got 6 more chicks

4 males and 2 pullets they seemed to grow so big that when chick hatched who is now 10 days old they couldnt be kept together

so i then order 4 more day old

that makes a total of 18 chicken in my flock

and then i have 5 chicks in bator 6 ducks in bator and 12 more to go in tmoz

and 3 brinsea incubators

i also said a couple to a few will do me and now look at me

and this is all in the space on 1 month, since i joined this forum
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OMG you are worse than me!!!! At least I waited 2 months LOL!!!

Okay, so tired to candle a bit last night but by the 3rd egg realized it was pointless so I stopped. Okay i set mine at 5:30 PM on 05/05/12, so I did not count 05/05 as day one, would y'all have counted it?
OMG you are worse than me!!!! At least I waited 2 months LOL!!!

Okay, so tired to candle a bit last night but by the 3rd egg realized it was pointless so I stopped. Okay i set mine at 5:30 PM on 05/05/12, so I did not count 05/05 as day one, would y'all have counted it?

im mad yes

but least i got a brilliant wife that supports me

infact the Ducks are for her

usually no you would not count 05.05 if you set them that late

i will set mine at 1am tonight so that will be classed as tmoz

and yours are same, 05.05 is day zero for you

one thing to take note is you will prob get a pip at 5.30 am

thats why i set mine at 1am so i get a pip at 1pm

obviously thats ideal conditions

and for me so far irs has been just that

my last hatch was set at 6.30pm and i got pip at 6.30am
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alyssa13, sorry just realized there were additional post that I did not read LOL! When I first started I got a dozen eggs and they cost me $45, only 1 hatched, so I got her a friend, they only had Barred Plymouth Rocks so that's what I got. The two of them are my Avatar. They are now over a year old and moms :) I also said I only needed 2
LOL! It's fine. Yeah I only have One so far. I MIGHT get another egg today. Hopefully it's fertilized!!!
Ok I've been off here for a couple days. I candled on Wed (day 4 for me) have healthy veining in 4 and the others were inconclusive. I think I might have a red ring in one but will leave it for a couple more days. The single partridge egg was on day 7 at that point and it is doing very well with a dancing baby inside-so excited
strong veining. Such a tiny egg-I hope it makes it,cuz I can't wait to see the baby.
RachaelS and Silverfox0786- I said I was done hatching for a while too.
guess not....LOL

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