Fun things to do with chickens


In the Brooder
Mar 30, 2020
I am aware of some fun things you can do with your chickens, such as grape football, but is there any places you can take a chicken? I can get a leash easily if that would broaden my options. Also, are the dog trailers for bikes an option for chickens (one at a time) as well? I’m open to any suggestions. Thanks!
I am aware of some fun things you can do with your chickens, such as grape football, but is there any places you can take a chicken? I can get a leash easily if that would broaden my options. Also, are the dog trailers for bikes an option for chickens (one at a time) as well? I’m open to any suggestions. Thanks!
I dont think they would enjoy either of those ideas, but there are some chickens who do enjoy going on adventures
I think that a grape football game would be very short!! Nevertheless, you could try setting up a little "football field" (more like a soccer field because they just use their feet on the "ball") out in the run!

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