Fungus Or Mold On Comb!

Hello everyone. I'm hoping you can help. I just noticed this morning one of my girls has scabs all over her comb and around her eye area. She seems fine other than that. I checked the rest ofthe flock and 1 other seems to have similar scabs, just not as many. Any thoughts on what it is & how to treat?? Thanks so much.
It seems to me to be pecking injuries. But I have not dealt with fowl pox, just seen pictures of it. That would be one differential diagnosis to consider.
Live in South La. and have a lot of humidity. Had problems with this and sprayed Lamisil fungal spray - liquid - 1 x week for a few weeks and it went away. Looks the same from the picture. Good Luck and cover their eyes while spraying. Very small amount worked.
We live in Houston and have a bad mosquito problem. The mosquitos were biting the chickens and they developed fowl pox on their combs. Coated the combs with neosporin and sprayed the yard with garlic oil to repel the mosquitos
My girls came to me with whiteish flaky combs that eventually looked like this. I used miconazole cream. I just rubbed it in my thumb then made a ring e we itch my pointer finger and put treats in my hand. When they came in to get the treats the medicine rubbed on their comb, so it was easy.
My girls came to me with whiteish flaky combs that eventually looked like this. I used miconazole cream. I just rubbed it in my thumb then made a ring e we itch my pointer finger and put treats in my hand. When they came in to get the treats the medicine rubbed on their comb, so it was easy.

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