Funniest Chicken Show

Let's see if I can't contribute some photos...

One of my Ameraucana chicks decided to do some ballet on my head. Only about a week old - this was either Eddie or Red Beard.

This is my wonderful boy, Bo, the Rhode Island Red ( 1/4 barred Plymouth Rock - mum was a Black Star ), and little Horus, the Campine. Teaching Bo not to pick on chicks, when he made one little peck at Horus - they were fine with each other after this. I'd guess Bo's about five months here, and Horus was only about... a month, maybe two?

T'was showing off my Silkie, Liza, and Sizzle, Mop, to my little sister on Skype ( where most of these pictures come from ). They were probably only about a month at this point - same age as Horus.

Bo getting ready to go cruise on my bike! Too bad I don't have a photo of me actually riding with him! Five months old?

I had some chicks that I was raising, and one time I made the mistake of yawning in front of one. Notice how little Faust is totally indifferent to the situation at hand. Black chick is either Max or Cassi, and they were only a few days old at this point.

Chicks, chicks, chicks, attacking my face!! There was an avalanche of chicks shortly after this. Maybe a week old, this is a batch of Old English Game bantams. Within them, there was Marshmallow, Mocha, Millie, Miles, Bowser, and Artemus.

Faust thinks she's a super model... Three or four months old>

My Campine, Horus, cut his neck open once. Never fear! He's alive and crowing today, but this reminded me of just how pathetic poor animals look in those ridiculous E-collars... About two months old.

And lastly, here is my icon - it's not a photo, per se, but the photo itself was blurry as all heck so I "traced" over it. My two buff Orpingtons when they were only about a month old... maybe two? They're nearly seven months old, and not named yet... and I refuse to name them "Buffy".
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At 5 months, Bo has a stupendous comb! Cute pics, and I really love the traced one.
What software did you use? Or did you mean trace in the old fashioned sense?
Bo rides the handlebars of my bike with me, then when we go into public areas, I pop him in my satchel and he goes right to sleep - he loves going out and meeting new people! I guessed at the ages, as I don't remember when a lot of those photos were taken, but Bo will be a year old this Thanksgiving, and his comb and wattles haven't grown much since those photos were taken - but compared to his brothers, he grew the fastest, then just... stopped.

Faust also rides with me, as does my little Japanese boy ( looks like a boy, but is doing an egg cackle and egg squat! ), Sindri, who I unfortunately have no photos of! He's a hoot, and a real snuggle-bug.

@Liz: Also, I love, love, love Ameraucanas - so much personality, and those fluffy faces are always grand! I'm especially fond of the dust-bathing one.

@Mikki: I used GIMP and a Wacom Intuos3 tablet. Tracing like that can be done pretty easily with a mouse or touch-pad, but the tablet definitely speeds the process up. I used two layers, and would "cut out" certain seconds of colour, and I used the original colours of the photo to begin with, then when I was done I tweaked the colours for a more "true" feel. This can also be done fairly easily in MS Paint, using the pencil, paint brush, and fill-bucket tools, it's just a tad more time-consuming since you can't just fill an area immediately after cutting it out - you have to go and "paint over" the entire area first, then fill it with your desired colour ( I usually "cut out" with magenta, so I know what I have and haven't touched yet, since it's such an unnatural colour - or some other colour that's contrasting with the rest of the image ). This could also probably be done in Flash and Illustrator, and I'm willing to bet that vector images would be even easier than isometric images.
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