Funniest Things A City Slicker Has Ever Said To You?

Well yesterday my friend daughter who has never been to a "farm" before (7) got very excited when she saw an egg in the coop. She said can we go crack it can we can we., sure let's go crack it I said. Took her inside and cracked the egg and the shock on her face, when I asked what was wrong she asked "where are the feathers".
Not chicken or farm related, just "Here's your sign". DH and I were at an event called "Rendezvous" that depicted the fabled get-togethers of trappers, mountain men, Native Americans, and others. Vendors and craftsmen dress in period costume, camp in canvas tents and the craftsmen demonstrate their skills.

We stopped at the booth of a flint knapper. When he sensed that DH had a true interest, the man started fashioning a piece and explaining how he chose which parts to remove from the flint, angles, flaws.... The guy truly knew his art.

When he was almost finished, a middle aged lady stopped by, watched for a few seconds and asked, "What kind of rocks do you find those in?" The three of us were confused, and I think the knapper mentioned he had used flint. She said, "No, what kind of rock do you break open to find arrowheads? We have a friend who gave us permission to look for arrowheads on his ranch and we don't know what kind of rocks to look for." Not one of us could think of an answer, and she walked off- probably thinking how stupid we were. I remember asking, "Was that for real?". At the time it was more scary than funny. One good thing- the kind knapper gave the beautiful spear point to DH.

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Reminds me of my cousin's wife. She had a friend give her fresh eggs from her own chickens and cousin's wife said she couldn't eat them, knowing "that they came from a chiicken's butt." Ummm, where do your store bought eggs come from, an egg tree?

I got asked at my kids' elementary school last week if the (possibly) green eggs our EEs may lay are "healthier than a regular egg."
And this was by a woman who married into a very successful farming family.
My city friends thought I was nuts to buy a whole grass fed beef on the hoof from our farming friend, have it butchered and put in our new chest freezer. then all the beef recalls came out, DH's post-heart attack cardiologist says grass fed is best and they thought me brilliant.

My city friends thought I was really taking it too far to get a few laying hens. Until the egg scandal hit the news, now I'm brilliant again.

if they only knew!
I once had a tourist ask if I was really a Mainer.
Me: "Yes, I was born and raised here."
Tourist: "But you don't LOOK like a Mainer!"
Me: "..."

What, pray tell, does a Mainer look like?!
A few weeks ago a co-worker and myself had this conversation:

Co-worker: "Hey, I should buy some eggs from you sometime."

Me: "Sure, that sounds great."

Co-worker: "Can you eat them?"

All Mainers look like the Gorton Fisherman guy. Duh.

LOL. And of course we are all unable to pronounce "r".

Of cos ya correct.

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