Funniest Things A City Slicker Has Ever Said To You?



I just started crying because I laughed so much

Yeah, and I may or may not have been clutching my chest at the time.... Sometimes I forget when I'm in public...
So my chicks are 4 weeks old as of today, and one of them has turned out to be a roo. Some of my friends were over yesterday and I told them that Hamlet was supposed to be an Emily (otherwise we weren't supposed to have any roo's) and they said:
"Well now you'll have eggs, right?" And I said "You don't need a roo to have eggs."
"Really? I never knew that... Are you sure? My Grandfather always had a roo"
"Yes, that was probably for protection or for fertile eggs."
"Oh. That would explain it."

I've seen people post this all the time, but it was a bit different experiencing it first hand.
I bought some EE chicks the other day and proudly explained to my friend that they would lay green eggs when they got older. She spazzed out and was like "Ewwww!! Are the yolks green? That's just sick!" I laughed my head off and actually told her "Yes. The whole thing is green. That's where green eggs and ham comes from!" She almost had a flippin heart attack.
Of course she was kinda angry at me when I told her I was just kidding.
just bookmarked this thread to come back to whenever i need a laugh, some classic stuff in here

only one i can add is the friend of my mums who was showing off his remote controlled helicopter near a paddock with some sheep in it. when told jokingly to watch out that he doesn't hit any of them with it he laughed and said "that's alright we'll have some pork chops to take home".
this isn't exactly coming from city-slickers, but whenever i tell people i show my chickens they look at me like i just sprouted another head, before saying "oh.... wait, WHAT???" i usually just say it's like a dog show for chickens and try not to get too technical after that

oh, i forgot one! so at the fair last year, my friend and i were looking at the chickens someone had for sale (extra hatchery stock). we asked what breed the standards were and the guy replied "layers" "yes, but what breed" "layers!" he insisted. later we (a little warily) asked what color the cochin my friend wanted was. i was holding a golden sebright i wanted to get. the guy answered "howabout a golden sebright "(he put emphisis on "golden sebright" as if it were a very importent and mystical being
) i raised one eyebrow, held up the sebright and said "no, this is a sebright. that's a cochin. what color is it?" some of his coworkers laughed at him a bit. finnally looking at a list, he said, very quickly "oh, i think it's a golden cochin" it was actually a partridge cochin, learned later. i don't think there's any such thing as a "golden cochin" but i'm not sure (cochin colors aren't my strong point
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This was told to my roommate, he has a friend that lives in Canada and she asked why we had chickens he told her for the fresh eggs, his friend paused for a minute then said "oh I couldn't eat those eggs I like my eggs dead" haven't figured that one out yet.
schellie69 wrote: This was told to my roommate, he has a friend that lives in Canada and she asked why we had chickens he told her for the fresh eggs, his friend paused for a minute then said "oh I couldn't eat those eggs I like my eggs dead" haven't figured that one out yet.

I've got 2

Downstate family and friends visited us yesterday. We had a barbecue and DH and I got some organic grass-fed ground beef from the farm we get our cow-share/raw milk. My father's girlfriend asked as she was eating the burger, "This didn't come from a cow, did it?"

"Nope, a steer." Here's your sign.

Later, as we were eating the cake dad's girlfriend commented on how good the cake was. I told her that the eggs from our chickens (happily pecking outside the kitchen window). She paused in her next bite and asked, "Is the cake safe to eat?"

My dad, for once showing some interest in my home-raised food, told her, "Well it's safer than anything you'll buy in the store now."
as opposed to the new freshly born rocks

My Mom, RIP, was a firm believer that rocks had babies. That's why there are so many little ones. She is also the one who asked me why we use a tree-stand to hunt deer. She said she had never seen one climb a tree. Of course, with my Mom, she had a dead-pan humor, you never knew if she was pulling your leg or not

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