Funny Chicken Names

My rooster is named after a necromancer character on the animated series "The Venture Brothers" - Dr. Orpheus. He just looks spooky. Also, Orpheus was a legendary musician and poet, and my roo likes to start crowing around 4:30 in the summer...

Miss Digby Chicken Caesar is named after a crazy bum from a comedy show. She was a stray found in my friend's neighborhood in Liberty, MO. She's a pretty girl, but still flighty even after living with us for more than six months. Every once in a while she gets excited and yells very loudly about nothing.

Goose honks at the end of her cluck. She is also known as "The Cannibal" because she gets bored way too easily and tries to eat here sister's feet. She spends a lot of time in solitary, within full view of the other birds.

Stella is a Barred Rock, named after the spot on her head as a baby.

Large Marge, RIP, was a HUGE RIR female. One day, after they started fledging, I tried to give her and her sisters a worm. Large Marge made a warning sound at the sight of it and they all ran away. I imagine she said, "snake!".

Coral's comb has a weird shape, almost like coral.

Black-eyed Susan, RIP, had black eyes. No brainer there.

Rosie, RIP, needed an old-fashioned sounding name to go with Stella and Large Marge.

Snow White is pale and quiet.
My very first rooster was named Neelix, after the Star Trek Voyager character that looked pretty much like a chicken. I have a Polish bantam pair, Albert and Cruella, an Americauna rooster named Einstein, a sexlink named Peeperz, a black star named Halo, had a little bantam RIR named Atreyu (from the movie The Never Ending Story), had a trio of rescues named Larry, Curly and Moe. I have an Americauna named Phoenix as she was hit by a car and lay on the side of the road for 4 days before someone brought her to me. She was covered in maggots and had chunks of flesh missing under her wing. I have a bantam named Henny Penny, had a black Australorp named Lilly. There was the serama couple, Princess Leia and her mate, Cyclops (one eyed rooster completely blind). I had a production red named Golliath, a couple of serama frizzle boys named Loki and Frizzle. I had a surprise clutch of chicks, so named them Thing 1, Thing 2 and Thing 3. I have a rooster named Prince William, had a black cochin named Avatar, she and Neelix had two offspring, and since Neelix died unexpectedly, I wanted to come up with a name that would combine the names of both parents, hence the first pullet was named Neetari and the second Monkey because she looks like one. I had a disabled little hen with no knees named Pippi and a little RIR rooster that I found crossing the road. He had a broken neck, was debeaked, had broken wings and one leg broken and healed wrong. His name was Quasimodo, or Que for short. I had a white Americauna named Q-Tip.

I've had several more that I can't remember the names of as I'm always rescuing new chickens. Will add more when I can look back at photos and remember.
My very first rooster was named Neelix, after the Star Trek Voyager character that looked pretty much like a chicken. I have a Polish bantam pair, Albert and Cruella, an Americauna rooster named Einstein, a sexlink named Peeperz, a black star named Halo, had a little bantam RIR named Atreyu (from the movie The Never Ending Story), had a trio of rescues named Larry, Curly and Moe. I have an Americauna named Phoenix as she was hit by a car and lay on the side of the road for 4 days before someone brought her to me. She was covered in maggots and had chunks of flesh missing under her wing. I have a bantam named Henny Penny, had a black Australorp named Lilly. There was the serama couple, Princess Leia and her mate, Cyclops (one eyed rooster completely blind). I had a production red named Golliath, a couple of serama frizzle boys named Loki and Frizzle. I had a surprise clutch of chicks, so named them Thing 1, Thing 2 and Thing 3. I have a rooster named Prince William, had a black cochin named Avatar, she and Neelix had two offspring, and since Neelix died unexpectedly, I wanted to come up with a name that would combine the names of both parents, hence the first pullet was named Neetari and the second Monkey because she looks like one. I had a disabled little hen with no knees named Pippi and a little RIR rooster that I found crossing the road. He had a broken neck, was debeaked, had broken wings and one leg broken and healed wrong. His name was Quasimodo, or Que for short. I had a white Americauna named Q-Tip.

I've had several more that I can't remember the names of as I'm always rescuing new chickens. Will add more when I can look back at photos and remember.
Wow, your names are awesome
I'd already thought of Princess Leia and Phoenix for my future chicks. Please post pics!
My chickens are named after my favorite cooks/chefs. Emeril is my roo, a buff orpington. Paula is a production red. Ina is a barred rock. Rachel is my black australorp and Giada is my red sex link. Last week we lost our rhode island red named Ree.
Here is the names of some of my chickens
Barbie Q (barbque)
Sunny (sunny side up)
Teriyaki (Terri for short)
Peep (like the candy)
Niglet (the chicken is black)
Primrose (Prim for short)
Cornelious (Corn Flakes)

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