Funny Chicken Names

I named all mine after chicken dishes such as strip, nugget, courd on blue, terryaki.... I have also named them after eggs such as scramble, omlette, deviled, pickled, poached .....
I have a Barred Rock hen named Speckles, and a Rhode Island Red, hen named Josie. I let a little girl name one of my Barred Rocks, and she named her Salt and Pepper, i guess i can call it SP. I want to get a silkie and name it Pajamas. Lol!!;):D
I have a few...
I had a rooster named McNugget, but he was a flogger and had to be dealt with.
I have Belina (the talking rir chicken
that shows Dorothy how to get back to the yellow brick road...whispering under my breath...and my middle name).
I have Ozzy, my silkie roo, and his mate Lita. Rocker chickens.
I have Brad and Janet, from The Rocky Horror Picture Show. My daughter's love that movie. Brad should have been name Frankie because he's a hen...but that's my ex husband's name and I got rid of him, so...
I have an ee roo named Ebenezer. His fuzzy cheeks make him look like Scrooge.
I also have two ducks name Darryl and Mika. Daughter loves The Walking Dead.
Other names are not quite as clever.
We have three hens and a rooster. Only two hens are named: Hen Solo and Laya. We're trying to think of the third name, and are open for suggestions.

Our rooster is Donald... he was named first. Donald has a very large comb, which has fallen over. His comb is over. A comb-over.

Donald Trump. :)
We have:
Lou Allend
khaleesi (the bully/mother hen)
And my favourite:
Lindsey LoHen.

Lindsey died so we're getting new chooks, one of which I'm calling "Cluck Norris or Cluck Kent. I can't decide.
We have 4 Cali whites and 2 black sex links and 2 barred rocks. My kids are 4 and 10 and named them.
White Girls:
Black Girls:
Barred Girls:
I have a few fun names:
Of course we had the typical McNugget - who grew up into a roo. Probably lived up to his name after being given to a farm.
Omelet = My daughter talked us into added an extra egg to the incubator. (It was in the fridge for 3 days previously.) Instead of a nice breakfast, we got a very friendly chick.
Einstein= our dumb blonde of the flock
Tyrion= We thought a tiny rooster based on personality, but ended up being a fearless EE hen.
Firefighter (named by my 3 yr old son) Thought it was a roo , so didn't care what he named it. She lays huge pink eggs daily & is a definite keeper.
Tank - Lavender English Orp Roo= HUGE
Scrambles (Kind of quick & difficult to catch)
Bubbles (scatter brained)
Poopie Poo (Always managed to poop in our laps when held.) Problem: Who wants to eat an egg that came from Poopie Poo?
Precious- my fav hen
Princess Lay-a

Of course, after Princess Lay-a we were encouraged to add a:
Luke Skywattle,
Darth Layer,
Hen Solo,
Yolk-a, etc.

* No, I did not come up with all of these & I could never fit that many chickens in our coop.

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