Funny chicken stories!


Spicy Sugar Cookie
7 Years
Apr 26, 2017
The moon
Here's my funny chicken story: My Dutch Bantam hatched some chicks in May and when i moved the coop there was no separate place for her in the coop so i have put her in a box in the basement at night and she free ranges during the day. I didn't realize how much of the 'we go into the basement at night' she understood, until one night she hopped down the steps to the basement from the outside and stood expectantly looking at the door, her three chicks in tow. When i opened the door, she walked right in to her box and i put her and her chicks in. SHE THINKS MY BASEMENT IS HER COOP!!!:barnie not the best, but pretty funny!
I have a salmon faverolle hen,her name is Lucille,and once she went missing.I put the chickens up and saw that Lucille was missing.I couldn't find her.Then,about 3 days later,there she is on the porch.Here is a pic of her now.
I have an Easter egger I named Boo.
Well, it (not quite sure if it's a rooster or a hen) will go into the chicken coop via the chicken door at night but every morning when I open the coop up, Boo has to come out the man door. Also when I'm sitting on the picnic table bench Boo will jump up beside me and pull on my shirt ( either the sleeve or the hem) until I pet it but the other chickens will be at my feet begging and Boo will look at them as to say, " Haha, the human really loves me!"
Same with my hen Christina. She will not leave me alone until i pet her. I like it sometimes, if i'm not busy.
I think it's because of how it's standing plus I had to snap the pic really quick because Boo was getting ready to move.
For really good pics of Boo look in the forum "I can sex your pullets and cockerels".
I have a hen with droopy tail feathers. I think it is a hen. When this little guy either crows or lays an egg then you'll know. I guess it's just a wait-and-see thing. Hope it's a hen!

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