Funny Life of African Crowned Cranes on the farm...... : )

I had pics posted when they were younger... I'll look for some newer ones.
No....... They can make it over a 8 ft or taller fence with pinioned wing...
Mine I got as babies (1-2 months old) and they grew up with the fences being a barrier so they really don't test it unless they are chased. I'm sure a pair that was not here from very young would go exploring, but mine grew up with the black swans, Egyptian geese and others, so they normally don't stray to far from them. They use to be put up every night and got into the routine of putting themselves up, but now that I've moved to bigger property they stay out 24/7. They have 16 acres of pasture, woods and fallen trees but they mostly hang out near the house and the swans kiddie pool until we get a pond dug. I have great Pyrenees that guard them and all the other fowl.
If you have a chance to get young ones or any age, get them..... they are so funny to watch. They are child like in behavior... in to everything, pull out everything and play with it - from rocking chairs, flat bed trailers, shovels, cardboard boxes, feed sacks.... everything is their play ground. I get so much joy from watching them. They get with in 5 ft of me, especially when I;m doing something they can't stand not knowing... but are not imprinted. They can be dangerous to handle when scared, they go for the face with that beak, but if you know how to handle them and they build trust in you then nothing worse then picking up a peacock etc... They can be very aggressive during breeding season I'm told - Dragon Bird is a nicknamed used, but mine aren't old enough for that behavior yet.


UH OH.....I think I killed it..........
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Chickenzoo, those crowned cranes are amazing! Maybe I missed it, and if so I apologize, but do they do okay on a regular commercial game bird feed or do they need more in their diets?
They people I got mine from give them dog food and chicken food mix, but mine didn't do well on it as they grew so I give them the Crane diet from Mazuri. They have that and also in another feeder there is layer, catfish chow, dog food and pheasant grower pellets they can eat also if they want.

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