Funny Pet names...Love the other thread for people

feather and mountain man

Corn fed Indiana farmgirl
10 Years
Jan 17, 2010
Funny pet names we have or have had and how some got their names.

Sharko - named by my youngest so bc she hunts and moves her head back and forth like a swimming shark
Birdzilla- big clumsy Brahma
Rosie Rottin- Stinks
Peapers - later referred to as Peapy- she was a free range house chicken

Kicking Wings
Knickers- a paint that looks like it has tighty whities on

Eat more chicken
I like Bacon

Mooey Booey
Muck a Luck

Chuck- duck raised by a chicken - he thinks he is a chicken

Bea Chea
Kitty kitty - raised by a cat who hunted cats down ferociously to give them a tough bath.

Stinker Tinker
Cato- how original cat in Spanish

Fuzzy Head
Kelly Ripa
I'm just going to list the odd names:
George- a RIR hen, was one of two so was a twin
KD(Kentucky Derby)- ran laps around the brooder as a chick (RIP girl)
Blue Eyes- I was a little kid and she kept her blue eye longer then normal
Magra- Jungle book charcter, just not remembered correctly and it stuck

and some of the now gone cats-
The Black Cat- I was very young and she was a black cat- Blue Eye's mother
Little Cat Black JR.- once again I was young and his name was a jumble of his grandmothers name (The black cat) and a uncle and named after another uncle

That is it for now but I'm sure I have more.
This is Yetti. 7 months old and well over 100 lbs. If/when we get a son out of him he will be named Bumble, a daughter will be Sasquatch.
Our newest cat is named Neo, but usually gets called Biscuit or Nini (short for Panini). My son started calling him panini because he liked the sound of it, now the poor cat is stuck with it.
My Golden Retrievers are "Diamond In The Ruff"-aka "Monty"
"Light Up The Darke (we are in Darke County)"-aka "Eilidh" which is Gaelic meaning "light"
Our cats names are - Bizo, Moo, and Steve - all males

Our hens names are - Hazel - Madge - Dirty Girty - Luca - Thing 1 - Think 2 - Moonflower - Nancy - Ruby - Fancy - Bonnie - Shadow - The General and last but not least - Mrs. Harriet Olson.

We also have a tank full of Cichlids one of which we call Edgar.
my quakers name is Bird-Bird
I had a horse named Clyde cause she had camel lips,
( Ray stevens song with the camel named clyde)
oops! forgot the silkie named "cousin it"
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I was thinking about starting a thread like this just the other day!
Here are my weird names,

Mosaiah-BR hen, It just sounded cool

Galadriel-White Silkie hen (yes I'm a LOTR fan)

Coco-Puff-GLW hen, her colors just remind me of chocolate!

Lucy and Ethel-naughty Silver Spangled Hamburg sisters

I had a beta fish named Tchaikovsky once but he is RIP

I also had a hen named Deoxirybonuclaic acid (DNA) aka Deoxi, she is now RIP as well

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