Future Chicken Breeder in Washington - Just Getting Started

Jan 23, 2023
Hi all! I have been reading threads on BYC for a while but am joining for the first time because I want to become part of the discussions and not only find fellow poultry lovers who are just as passionate as me, but get more info about the projects I am working on and contribute what I already know when time allows. I'm an educator at heart and hope to be one in a more real sense in the future, as there can never be enough enthusiastic and curious teachers in the world!
Forever a student, sometimes a teacher, but always learning and growing.

Current breeds in development: Columbian Wyandotte, Black Copper Marans, Crested Cream Legbar, Olive Egger

Also have: Buff Orpington, Easter Egger, Welsummer
Previously had: Barred Plymouth Rock, Polish
Still waiting for: White Plymouth Rock, Bresse, Light Sussex

Favorite breeds are Columbian Wyandotte and Cream Legbar, and least fav is definitely POLISH! Those poor birds... They should not exist!

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