Fuzzy's Farm

19 of them were completely clear and came from a well-known hatchery....never ordering from there again. They offered to replace them all, actually - but I don't want to...just too upsetting and don't want to try again.

2 blood rings in 2 separate eggs from 2 different people (good folks, so it wasn't their fault) just quitter eggs.

Shhhh... don't tell BF but I can't wait to have extra funds to buy an incubator...Shhhhh! It will be oh so much fun... *reminds self "step away from the bator" LOL*
I read on a thread to give them a few drops after diluting it with water. I will be super careful... how will I know how much is too much?
I will start off with a real low amount and work up to a few drops.
Thank you for the caution.

My grandma had a lamb that they "saved" from a butcher, I think. She was so broken hearted when he died of pnumonia she never got another.
I don't know how much is too much for a chicken. I just know I am real careful about it with my sheep and when I had the cows also. I have lost a calf or two and even lambs from lack of selenium. That's why my lambs get BO-SE when they are born. I used to give my cria's ( baby llamas) MU-SE which is magnesium and selenium. Lambs get a crippling disease from vitamin E deficiency and with the soil being deficient of selenium they get a BO-SE shot.

I have LOTS of lambs every year.
Robin... I won't take your eggs! LOL

Look how many of us there are!!!! WOW!!
Nova did you catch that link i posted earlier about the ginsing/ bipolar??? I wasn't meaning to poke (OK not in a bad way anyway) I just couldn't help but smile at the doggie with your caption under it :)

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