Fuzzy's Farm


Well, my daughter had a doozie seizure at school today. She had Three seizures within fifteen minutes. Fell face first onto the floor and bounced her head violently on the classroom floor and table leg before they got it cleared away and something under her head; She has a huge bruise on her chin, a goose egg on her forehead- side of her face is swollen. She was unresponsive and unconscious for two and a half hours. Throughout the ambulance ride, fluids, CT scan... out cold.

I found out today that she has a 'cyst' in the right temporal lobe of her brain- and nobody ever told me.

I have a whole lot of questions with that diagnosis- mainly, why has nobody ever told me?
How do they know its a cyst without doing an MRI? A cat is really just a soft-tissue xray; how do they know its a cyst? How did it get there? AND again why has nobody ever told me? They said they compared it back to March 2007 and the size has never changed.
Did I mention that nobody has ever told me?

New medicine tonight. Wait for it.......
She has vicodin for head pain- and she is fourteen...and now he gave us a new seizure med. Side effect? headache.

I cant function any more. I am mentally exhausted. Ive been at the ER since 1. I need to go to bed so I can get up and do it all over again- well, hopefully no ER but I still have to get up and go to work.

Robin is Sunday okay? Im supposed to take my mom to the doctor on Sat the 27th but got nothing on Sunday- oh, and Kayla is never letting you leave again.

I'm so sorry that Kayla is going through this...it is Kayla, right? Is this a seizure disorder she's had for a while now or was this brought about via an accident, etc? If you'd rather not go into detail it's completely fine, just trying to wrap my head around her situation is all. I sincerely hope she is better soon, and will keep praying.

Nothing new in my neck of the woods I guess, fuzzy farm people. I pulled 21 eggs out of the bator and into the trash tonight - that was fun.
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BYFM - Like I said though, be REAL careful monkeying with selenium and animals. Michigan's soil is selenium deficient.
I read on a thread to give them a few drops after diluting it with water. I will be super careful... how will I know how much is too much?
I will start off with a real low amount and work up to a few drops.
Thank you for the caution.

My grandma had a lamb that they "saved" from a butcher, I think. She was so broken hearted when he died of pnumonia she never got another.
Clucky what happened to the 21????

19 of them were completely clear and came from a well-known hatchery....never ordering from there again. They offered to replace them all, actually - but I don't want to...just too upsetting and don't want to try again.

2 blood rings in 2 separate eggs from 2 different people (good folks, so it wasn't their fault) just quitter eggs.
I found out today that she has a 'cyst' in the right temporal lobe of her brain- and nobody ever told me.

I cant function any more. I am mentally exhausted. Ive been at the ER since 1. I need to go to bed so I can get up and do it all over again- well, hopefully no ER but I still have to get up and go to work.
I don't have answers, but i would get a second opinion for sure. This makes no sense, a cyst should have been drained or medicated to shrink, i thought? My stepmom lost a son a year ago because he had a cyst that grew to the size of a softball, he didn't go to the doc but had chronic migrains. When he finally got to the doc, it was too late. :( The first thing they did was to put on meds to try to shrink, because it was too large to do anything else with. It kept growing, put too much pressure on the brain :( Not to scare you more than you are, i am meaning to stress that second opinion!!!!!! And why i am confused about your doc. Continuing to treat the seziures without treating the cause makes no sense to me. :(
I think I might have crapped my pants were I you fuzzy!
Well, i wasn't gonna go there..................................lol
My boys are going to need names soon. They are getting absolutely beautiful. I will work on pictures of them tomorrow. Might make y'all jealous with their faverolle loveliness. Hehe.
:) You do make some pretty roos!
I have 3 hens very unhappy with me right now. Remember, the 3 that come in through the cat door and lay their eggs in a corner of the mud room? Well, I decided to paint that room yesterday when it was so nice out and have blocked off the cat door to keep the cats out so they won't mess up the paint job and those 3 can't get in, either. They were squawking all day yesterday while I was working on it and today they were out there almost all day on the deck squawking away about it as well. I am being so mean to keep them from their egg drop. LOL

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