Fuzzy's Farm

D'Uccles are a true bantam, no larger counterpart.
You could probably find the color pattern in a different, larger breed, but they might be expensive............ d'Uccles are the best though, their personalities totally make up for not laying a lot of eggs. I think you might be able to talk him into it.
My d'uccles lay a decent size egg and the yolk is big. May be worth adding to your flock, they arent like silkies or seramas.

Well, my daughter had a doozie seizure at school today. She had Three seizures within fifteen minutes. Fell face first onto the floor and bounced her head violently on the classroom floor and table leg before they got it cleared away and something under her head; She has a huge bruise on her chin, a goose egg on her forehead- side of her face is swollen. She was unresponsive and unconscious for two and a half hours. Throughout the ambulance ride, fluids, CT scan... out cold.

I found out today that she has a 'cyst' in the right temporal lobe of her brain- and nobody ever told me.

I have a whole lot of questions with that diagnosis- mainly, why has nobody ever told me?
How do they know its a cyst without doing an MRI? A cat is really just a soft-tissue xray; how do they know its a cyst? How did it get there? AND again why has nobody ever told me? They said they compared it back to March 2007 and the size has never changed.
Did I mention that nobody has ever told me?

New medicine tonight. Wait for it.......
She has vicodin for head pain- and she is fourteen...and now he gave us a new seizure med. Side effect? headache.

I cant function any more. I am mentally exhausted. Ive been at the ER since 1. I need to go to bed so I can get up and do it all over again- well, hopefully no ER but I still have to get up and go to work.

Robin is Sunday okay? Im supposed to take my mom to the doctor on Sat the 27th but got nothing on Sunday- oh, and Kayla is never letting you leave again.
I will have to see about Sunday.Give my girl a hug for me and tell her I love her before you go to bed.

Well, my daughter had a doozie seizure at school today. She had Three seizures within fifteen minutes. Fell face first onto the floor and bounced her head violently on the classroom floor and table leg before they got it cleared away and something under her head; She has a huge bruise on her chin, a goose egg on her forehead- side of her face is swollen. She was unresponsive and unconscious for two and a half hours. Throughout the ambulance ride, fluids, CT scan... out cold. 

I found out today that she has a 'cyst' in the right temporal lobe of her brain- and nobody ever told me. 

I have a whole lot of questions with that diagnosis- mainly, why has nobody ever told me? 
How do they know its a cyst without doing an MRI? A cat is really just a soft-tissue xray; how do they know its a cyst? How did it get there? AND again why has nobody ever told me? They said they compared it back to March 2007 and the size has never changed. 
Did I mention that nobody has ever told me? 

New medicine tonight. Wait for it.......
She has vicodin for head pain- and she is fourteen...and now he gave us a new seizure med. Side effect? headache. 

I cant function any more. I am mentally exhausted. Ive been at the ER since 1. I need to go to bed so I can get up and do it all over again- well, hopefully no ER but I still have to get up and go to work. 

Robin is Sunday okay? Im supposed to take my mom to the doctor on Sat the 27th but got nothing on Sunday- oh, and Kayla is never letting you leave again. 

Omg! I am about in tears for you! How very, very distressing to find this out, to not know that she's had a cyst for five nmad nekuf years it beyond comprehensible! Poor girl is just not having a good week at all. :hugs

Gigi, Silver, big time woot! I mean Professor Giggly in the forest! Soon to be Doctor Silver! Lol.

Olive told me that you could start working on a junkies top by crossing an SS with a mottled top.
I hope everything is okay Mom2!

Well, Nugget lives another day.
His "friends" plucked more feathers from the back of his head today...so he will not be rejoining them anytime soon.
I was telling BF that I thought he would have to be culled... I felt awful and guilty saying: "I don't have time to sit and force feed him."... I do... So I did...
Only this time, (I had an adult drink and...) I slipped a long sleeve from a shirt over him and stuck his head out the hand hole. It was nice and tight around his wings and I could stuff his feet inside so he couldn't kick/scratch my hand away. Nugget got all of his medicine and baby cereal with some maltomeal. His crop FINALLY felt like it had something in it!!!
I used a baby medicine dropper to shoot the mixture down his throat.
I unwrapped him and put him in a smaller tub with pine shavings and put him under the heat lamp. I worry about him injuring his wings when he flaps uncontrollably in the larger box.

I have a neighbor that has a business that is all about natural healing. She had environmental/ heavy metal poisoning and was so super sick. I am going to ask her if she has any selenium for Nuggeter. Why didn't I think of that sooner?

My son said his ears were bothering him again
We just got done with antibiotics for a double ear infection... I look in his ears and they are full of ear wax. I carefully warmed some vit E and filled one ear while the other was on a warm rice pillow. I have a tool from the doctors office with a little circle on the end of it and gently dug a few chunks of wax out! Then I had him turn over and did the same to the other, which was much better than the first. Had him roll over again and put more warm E in and massaged around his ear and ditto to the other. When I was done he said they felt much better and he didn't touch them for the rest of the day!
I don't want him to get tubes! Please don't let him have to get tubes!

Well, my daughter had a doozie seizure at school today. She had Three seizures within fifteen minutes. Fell face first onto the floor and bounced her head violently on the classroom floor and table leg before they got it cleared away and something under her head; She has a huge bruise on her chin, a goose egg on her forehead- side of her face is swollen. She was unresponsive and unconscious for two and a half hours. Throughout the ambulance ride, fluids, CT scan... out cold.

I found out today that she has a 'cyst' in the right temporal lobe of her brain- and nobody ever told me.

I have a whole lot of questions with that diagnosis- mainly, why has nobody ever told me?
How do they know its a cyst without doing an MRI? A cat is really just a soft-tissue xray; how do they know its a cyst? How did it get there? AND again why has nobody ever told me? They said they compared it back to March 2007 and the size has never changed.
Did I mention that nobody has ever told me?

New medicine tonight. Wait for it.......
She has vicodin for head pain- and she is fourteen...and now he gave us a new seizure med. Side effect? headache.

I cant function any more. I am mentally exhausted. Ive been at the ER since 1. I need to go to bed so I can get up and do it all over again- well, hopefully no ER but I still have to get up and go to work.

Robin is Sunday okay? Im supposed to take my mom to the doctor on Sat the 27th but got nothing on Sunday- oh, and Kayla is never letting you leave again.
hope things get better !!!!! I know how hard the seizure route can be ... and i would be livid just finding out about the cyst !!!

Well, my daughter had a doozie seizure at school today. She had Three seizures within fifteen minutes. Fell face first onto the floor and bounced her head violently on the classroom floor and table leg before they got it cleared away and something under her head; She has a huge bruise on her chin, a goose egg on her forehead- side of her face is swollen. She was unresponsive and unconscious for two and a half hours. Throughout the ambulance ride, fluids, CT scan... out cold. 

I found out today that she has a 'cyst' in the right temporal lobe of her brain- and nobody ever told me. 

I have a whole lot of questions with that diagnosis- mainly, why has nobody ever told me? 
How do they know its a cyst without doing an MRI? A cat is really just a soft-tissue xray; how do they know its a cyst? How did it get there? AND again why has nobody ever told me? They said they compared it back to March 2007 and the size has never changed. 
Did I mention that nobody has ever told me? 

New medicine tonight. Wait for it.......
She has vicodin for head pain- and she is fourteen...and now he gave us a new seizure med. Side effect? headache. 

I cant function any more. I am mentally exhausted. Ive been at the ER since 1. I need to go to bed so I can get up and do it all over again- well, hopefully no ER but I still have to get up and go to work. 

Robin is Sunday okay? Im supposed to take my mom to the doctor on Sat the 27th but got nothing on Sunday- oh, and Kayla is never letting you leave again. 

:hugs :hugs :hugs :hugs
I hope everything is okay Mom2!

Well, Nugget lives another day.
His "friends" plucked more feathers from the back of his head today...so he will not be rejoining them anytime soon.
I was telling BF that I thought he would have to be culled... I felt awful and guilty saying: "I don't have time to sit and force feed him."... I do... So I did...
Only this time, (I had an adult drink and...) I slipped a long sleeve from a shirt over him and stuck his head out the hand hole. It was nice and tight around his wings and I could stuff his feet inside so he couldn't kick/scratch my hand away. Nugget got all of his medicine and baby cereal with some maltomeal. His crop FINALLY felt like it had something in it!!!
I used a baby medicine dropper to shoot the mixture down his throat.
I unwrapped him and put him in a smaller tub with pine shavings and put him under the heat lamp. I worry about him injuring his wings when he flaps uncontrollably in the larger box.

I have a neighbor that has a business that is all about natural healing. She had environmental/ heavy metal poisoning and was so super sick. I am going to ask her if she has any selenium for Nuggeter. Why didn't I think of that sooner?

My son said his ears were bothering him again
We just got done with antibiotics for a double ear infection... I look in his ears and they are full of ear wax. I carefully warmed some vit E and filled one ear while the other was on a warm rice pillow. I have a tool from the doctors office with a little circle on the end of it and gently dug a few chunks of wax out! Then I had him turn over and did the same to the other, which was much better than the first. Had him roll over again and put more warm E in and massaged around his ear and ditto to the other. When I was done he said they felt much better and he didn't touch them for the rest of the day!
I don't want him to get tubes! Please don't let him have to get tubes!
You can buy selenium tablets at Wal-Mart and crush them up and water them down for him. Just be careful with the selenium. Animals need it but too much will kill them.

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