Fuzzy's Farm

Okay, whoooppeeeee!!!!
Yours truly just made full professor. Something not so bad for an old broad - LOL! Seriously, I didn't think I would ever make it. Didn't start my degree until I was in my 40's and didn't finish the doctorate until I was 52. Now at 60 just goes to show if I can do it, anyone can 0 Yippeeeee!!!!

I am officially a Doctoral student as of today ... Orientation class starts 12/04 and first official class starts 12/11

WE can celebrate together
A big
For the both of you!
My birds pranked me today..............

I opened the door to find red all over the flooor. You can guess what i thought, i just about had a heart attack on the spot. Had to breathe for a minute, then frantically did a head count, trying to scope out combs, etc................Nada. Then it dawns on me, i left the hummingbird powder tucked into a corner behind some paint cans the other day


So i had red dye to clean out of EVERYWHERE! I don't know who the main culprit is, but someone is pooping red, and sure liked their sweets! Naughty birds. I was too relieved to properly scold.
My birds pranked me today..............

I opened the door to find red all over the flooor. You can guess what i thought, i just about had a heart attack on the spot. Had to breathe for a minute, then frantically did a head count, trying to scope out combs, etc................Nada.   Then it dawns on me, i left the hummingbird powder tucked into a corner behind some paint cans the other day


So i had red dye to clean out of EVERYWHERE!  I don't know who the main culprit is, but someone is pooping red, and sure liked their sweets!   Naughty birds. I was too relieved to properly scold.

Heehee, I would have had a heart attack before I even got to the head count.

Oh yeah, more news: Boom-Boom killed a big ole possum last night. (I know it's him because he's the only one with the brains and attention span to actually kill it and not make a mess). Now, if only he wouldn't have left it right in the driveway..............:sick

Well, my daughter had a doozie seizure at school today. She had Three seizures within fifteen minutes. Fell face first onto the floor and bounced her head violently on the classroom floor and table leg before they got it cleared away and something under her head; She has a huge bruise on her chin, a goose egg on her forehead- side of her face is swollen. She was unresponsive and unconscious for two and a half hours. Throughout the ambulance ride, fluids, CT scan... out cold.

I found out today that she has a 'cyst' in the right temporal lobe of her brain- and nobody ever told me.

I have a whole lot of questions with that diagnosis- mainly, why has nobody ever told me?
How do they know its a cyst without doing an MRI? A cat is really just a soft-tissue xray; how do they know its a cyst? How did it get there? AND again why has nobody ever told me? They said they compared it back to March 2007 and the size has never changed.
Did I mention that nobody has ever told me?

New medicine tonight. Wait for it.......
She has vicodin for head pain- and she is fourteen...and now he gave us a new seizure med. Side effect? headache.

I cant function any more. I am mentally exhausted. Ive been at the ER since 1. I need to go to bed so I can get up and do it all over again- well, hopefully no ER but I still have to get up and go to work.

Robin is Sunday okay? Im supposed to take my mom to the doctor on Sat the 27th but got nothing on Sunday- oh, and Kayla is never letting you leave again.
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Are there any large fowl breeds that look like a Mille Fleur d'Uccle? :(  I adore those, but hubby wants big eggs from a big bird. :rolleyes:   We are trying to meet in the middle.


D'Uccles are a true bantam, no larger counterpart. :( You could probably find the color pattern in a different, larger breed, but they might be expensive............ d'Uccles are the best though, their personalities totally make up for not laying a lot of eggs. I think you might be able to talk him into it.

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