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DIRT: Dirt was preparing to leave when he saw the supreme tyto barreling down on him. She had her battle claws on. "Your pureness--" he began, but she shrieked and pinned him to the ground. "Slipgizzle!" she screamed, digging her claws into his throat, "Traitor!" He tried to gurgle something, confused and immobilized, he tried to wiggle out of her grasp, but she dug her iron claws in tighter, "You will die." she hissed, her dark eyes piercing his. "Wait!" he tried to mumble. "I've waited to long to know who you are." Callisto screed. Her grip loosened as the hate in her voice grew larger. He flapped his wings, which she had freed by accident. "Sprink you!" she screamed, tearing her talons down his chest. He stumbled back, gasping in pain as red streamed from his grey chest. Callisto, her eyes blazing as if they'd been doused with gasoline, lunged again, wounding his left wing. Dirt flapped in vigorously, daggers of pain hitting him, and took off. He had to get somewhere, anywhere, before her pureness killed him.

He flew faster and faster, even though his wing burned like fire. He wondered where he could go now, with Callisto out for his blood. He considered a friend of his family, but he had killed a neighbor for his tupsi. The Pure Ones had such cruel ways! The Ga' hoole tree? The idea appalled him, and they would probably never let him stay. But he had no where to go. He sighed, then began to fly towards hoolemere, ready to die at the talons of the guardians when he actually asked for their help.
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Hvitr narrowed her eyes and watched callisto go, a moment later she heard a screetch, she flew and saw callisto, she jumped at callisto and landed infront of her "what are you doing?!" she exclaimed "only the impure would torture others" she said, hoping she didn't anger callisto too much.
CALLISTO: "He's gone." Callisto snarled, "And only the impure would betray their rulers! That sooty will regret ever leaching information to those guardians. He'll regret it for the rest of his short life!"
hvitr narrowed her eyes "leave the little shrike alone, he is likley to die anyway, in the meanwhile...... I would advise you not to attack anyone else, unless you be deemed unworthy" she said and flew off, leaving the threat to hang, as general she had many warriors under her command, nobody dared threaten or hurt her because of the warriors loyalty to her.
CALLISTO: "I think you know that I clearly outrank you," she said, "And we cannot allow any owl to give information to the enemies. There is a reason I rule alone, and that is because it is the only way I can." Callisto left, alone, as she always had. (Right now Callisto is the supreme tyto and the most powerful pure one until she finds a mate. Yes, she would threaten anybody if they are impure. That's why everybody follows her.)
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topaz stared out the port hole at the rageing storm.she sighed,this storm is never going to let up. The tree was very peaceful these days as the rageing wars with the pure ones were a thing of the past. If only she could work up the courage to tell citrin how she felt. She couldn't though he was just to handsom to face alone,the way his sparkling coal black eyes made her gizzard squirm and twist in knots, his voice was amazing like angles with every word he spokeIts almost first light better get some sleep. She settled down in her her comfortable nest of rich mosses and soft down from previous molts. She drifted off into a deep sleep.

Across the stormy sea flew a weak and tattered owl bleeding and in pain. She woke up and burst out of the tree at a speed she didnt even know she could reach.She flew faster and faster she saw a dim shape moving in the distance.She flewtoward him as fast as she could but as she reached him she froze in flight before her flew a owl who looked like he should be dead.A blood mask covered his body.All she could was stare as he flew closer she realised that he was worst then she thought he looked horrific her gizzard locked.Im going yeep no this is not happening not to me noooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!! She screamed as the ocean started to race towards her reaching out to her with long arms ready to grab her and drag her beaneath it and swallow her till she was no more.Suddenly she felt like she was being shaked she jumped up. Her hollowmate was trying to wake her up.She wouldnt remember this dream till it was to late.
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DIRT: Dirt was beginning to reach the island of hoole. He flapped his wings harder. He hoped that the guardians would wait for him to talk before they killed him, if he wasn't a slipgizzle yet he'd become one. Not that he had much to reaveal, though. Hoolemere's waves raged beneath him, it looked angry as if it knew a Pure One was flying over it.
CALLISTO: Callisto stalked off angrily, sometimes she completely failed to understand that owl's point of view. She called for G` reth, they would find that sooty and make sure he never spread their secrets ever again.

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