Gaggle of Geese Lovers

My girls don't get me for reaching under them. But the ganders will eat you alive if they are nearby. lol
You're brave. I usually push mine off the nest with a big fishing net, or reach under them with my chuck it. That thing used for flinging tennis balls to the dogs. They make a handy tool to get eggs out from under birds. I hope to go to my grave without ever being pinched by a goose. :fl
The less aggressive girls are quiet and freeze up, mostly our african and chinese goose. All the others start screaming at me and will leave the nest if I so much as dare to peak in.

Also I have been consistently getting one MASSIVE goose egg every week. I think they are coming from my 4 yr old grey saddleback pom girl Vespa, the one before this was a double yolker. I wonder if she is just laying a bunch of doubles this year or just big eggs. (The one in the back)
You're brave. I usually push mine off the nest with a big fishing net, or reach under them with my chuck it. That thing used for flinging tennis balls to the dogs. They make a handy tool to get eggs out from under birds. I hope to go to my grave without ever being pinched by a goose. :fl
The chuck it is a good idea. I just reach under them. If the ganders aren't around I'll sit and talk to them for a bit and give them company. Good luck making it to the grave with no pinches. lol
The less aggressive girls are quiet and freeze up, mostly our african and chinese goose. All the others start screaming at me and will leave the nest if I so much as dare to peak in.

Also I have been consistently getting one MASSIVE goose egg every week. I think they are coming from my 4 yr old grey saddleback pom girl Vespa, the one before this was a double yolker. I wonder if she is just laying a bunch of doubles this year or just big eggs. (The one in the back)
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Wow! I had some double-yolked eggs shipped to me last year. Was kinda annoyed that candling would have shown that and the seller didn't do it. My pom hen lays tiny eggs, but my Buff hen Georgia lays huge eggs.
Maybe you should sneak a baby under them
They aren't my geese? lol Buffy was bought from me last year as a companion to Bub. Bub lost her mate last autumn and stopped eating. They were desperate to find her a friend and I had an extra hen so I helped her out. I told her I had goslings if she wants to give them a couple to raise.
They aren't my geese? lol Buffy was bought from me last year as a companion to Bub. Bub lost her mate last autumn and stopped eating. They were desperate to find her a friend and I had an extra hen so I helped her out. I told her I had goslings if she wants to give them a couple to raise.
So? You've got a car and possibly an idea of where they're housed..... really confuse everyone the next morning
We just got into geese last year when we started with chickens. We figured we’d try geese and ducks, too, and eat them if we didn’t like them. They instantly became our favorites.

One of the Embdens we got with the intention to raise for eating decided she was my buddy and then ended up with a mysterious leg wound that refused to heal. We called her Pippin and she was a house goose on and off due to the leg wound. She sat at the table and ate breakfast with my teenagers, demanded their constant attention, and slept at my feet when I sat on the couch. She loved being held and would throw a tantrum when you tried to put her down, even pulling the old toddler trick of refusing to put her feet on the ground. One of the times her wound started gushing my husband rushed to put her in the tub and set her down without noticing that there was a huge black house spider in the tub already. So he turned her around to show her the spider, figuring she’d take care of it, and she freaked out, screaming and crying when she saw it! So my husband had to rescue the goose from a spider! 🤦‍♀️

Sadly her wound started hemorrhaging one day and we couldn’t get it to stop. She was such a great girl while we had her though.

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