Gaggle of Geese Lovers

And he may be called Supper, if he doesn't chill out.
All of mine are being super hissy right now. The Poms are all talk though. And most of the Americans bluff. Beau has never gotten me, but Golly is cruising for a bruisng.
I keep reading that I can't have more than one male.
Where at? Golly and Georgia, American Buffs, hatched their goslings and I kept back one pair, Beau and Beatrice. I ended up with two Blue American hens and two Buff hens from last year's clutch. One Buff hen went to live as a companion with an elderly Embden hen so I have the two Buff ganders with three Buff hens and two Blue hens. The Poms live with them during the non-breeding season, but Golly HATES the Pomeranian gander. Whenever I see the first blood of the year they get shipped off to a new pen. I didn't let her set last year because one of my drakes liked harassing her on the nest. But as they don't have to worry about that, I think I'm going to let her set and see if raising a family doesn't solidify their pair bond a little better. Her husband has eyes on the unnamed Buff hen.
So nice to hear everyone's stories. We started our with a dozen hatchery-bought gozzies, tried to teach the dogs to be nice to them - meet the babies, don't eat the babies. That was 2 years ago. Last year they laid eggs pretty haphazardly and even so hatched a few; the flock increased to 17. This year we have several nests, and have an exclosure plan - the dogs forgot the rules about not eating babies last year so we are better prepared this time around. They are all white embdens so I honestly can't tell them apart or even keep track of which gander is boss and which are the youngsters. But I love them and spend time with them every day, they are as much my therapy creatures as the dogs and cats. I wonder if I could bring one on an airplane with me??? jk...


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Great thread! Geese have so much personality -- much of it mischievous. Today, mine ran off all the ducks so they could have the stock tank "pool" to themselves. I love watching them bathe -- because they seem to be absolutely joyful -- but I think the runners were less impressed.

My American Buff goose girls, Gussie and Golly, have just resumed laying. I dropped off a couple of cartons of chicken and duck eggs to friends at a bank today and gave each a goose egg as well.

Work at the front of the bank came to a halt as ALL the tellers gathered around to admire and ask questions about the big eggs. Glad the bank president wasn't around to watch me disrupt the workplace.
Yeah, so I’ve really grown to love my geese, while they can be a bit hissy this time of year, most of the time they are really nice guardians of my other waterfowl. I have six geese now and bunches of eggs in the incubator. I’ll talk about them below…

- I have a two year old Sebbie male named Herbert and he is the patriarch of my flock and can be a bit of a boss.

- Then I have Toby my Toulouse male and second leader.

- And as for my females I have two adult Toulouse in lay currently and I have two Sebbie girls that are two and a half months old too... I’ve yet to come up with names for the four girls and would take any of you guys ideas for good names!

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