Game Bird Breed Info


11 Years
Jun 21, 2008
South Texas
My children and I have enjoyed the Henderson's Chicken Chart. I was talking to my husband who is interested in getting quail. Is there a site like the chicken chart that is on game birds?
I don't know about a site, but there are many people on here who keep a large variety of quail.

What are you looking for in your quail?


Just start asking questions and advice!

That is probably what I need to do is ask you all questions. However, I was hoping for some kind of link to send my husband who doesn't like to get on boards and ask. LOL Maybe I can find him a game bird book or magazine.

In the meantime, he is wanting bobwhite quail. I am just now experiencing how to raise chickens, so will need help in what to look for, how to house and what to expect overall. We have a large quail farm near us, but so far I haven't gotten a lot of personality out of the guy! Plus, husband forgot to ask him what KIND of quail he has! LOL I have also been looking at maybe buying eggs instead just to get exactly what hubby wants. I am leaning toward the jumbo bobwhites, but would like information on all the type of quail so we are educated somewhat in this adventure.

I keep bobwhites and coturnix and of the two I rather keep more coturnix. Bobwhites are okay they just take more time maturing and they can be aggressive especially Tennesse Reds which I just got rid of. They do get a bit beefy but from pics I've seen so far and from my jumbo coturnix and Texas A&Ms the coturnix can get bigger.

Bobwhites will take at least 15 weeks to mature and lay eggs as opposed to coturnix can take as short as 7-8 weeks before their eggs start appearing. It really comes down as mentioned before what you would like them for. If for meat I would go for jumbo coturnix since they grow so fast and ready to eat in a shorter time frame.
I had read somewhere that the cortunix were better meat birds. Not sure what he expects to do here with them. He says he enjoys eating them, but then he is going to have to be the one processing them also. With his work schedule it will be more a matter of his timing and not when they mature. Meaning, if they mature say mid one month and he is gone working (over seas) he won't be able to mess with processing until the following month. I also am interested in the egg production and if they are good to eat and can raise their young easily. We do have an incubator and with three kids home schooling a project of that sort is just one more educational adventure. I think my husband would one day like to bird hunt also. I guess I just really need to sit down with him and see what he expects of these future birds. He has wanted them for years and yet it is always just a mention and other things take priority around here. Now that we are getting coops built and have our first flock of chickens, we finally are getting to quail.
I subscribe to the gamebird gazette and it has alot of good information about every type of gamebird. How much space they need and flight pens if you plan to release. Which birds are the best and fastest breeders. is the link.


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