Gape Worm in my Chicken?


In the Brooder
Sep 4, 2020
Hi, I am very worried about my young Polish (I think it’s a rooster). This morning I went to let out my chickens, and he/she didn’t come out. At first I thought he/she was dehydrated as it has been hot here lately, so I gave it some cold water and sat it near the fan for a bit. Now he/she is in a spare outside pen, along side it’s brother/sister (they are the same age). He/she has been gasping, and making a high pitched, loud cough-like noise, almost like a honk. They also shook their head quite roughly once or twice. I gave him/her some general, diluted worming liquid, but I’m worried if it is gapeworm that this worming liquid won’t be enough to get rid of the worm. I am also wondering if I do purchase some gape worming supplement, if I should give it to the entire flock just to be safe? Thanks.


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Only certain wormers will kill gape worm such as Aviverm. You'll need to dose your whole flock.

Gape worm is actually quite rare and I thought mine had it awhile ago but after 2 rounds of worming treatments our pullet was still sneezing and gaping and not as active as she usually is. We took her to the vet who said it must be something environmental as there were no signs of disease. She said they were seeing an unusual number of dogs and cats with allergies this spring due to the high pollen count. It had been very wet as well which could have been a factor but things are drying out now. Our pullet still sneezes sometimes but she's a lot better than she was.

Keep an eye out for other indications of disease just in case, especially if a round of worming treatment doesn't improve your birds demeanor. Things like rattly breathing, discharge from the eyes or nose, and a loss of appetite.
As mentioned, gapeworms are rare in chickens. The only way to know for sure is to gather fresh fecal samples, put them in a ziplock bag and take them to any vet and have them put the samples under a microscope to look for gapeworm eggs. It shouldnt cost much.
Hi, I am very worried about my young Polish (I think it’s a rooster). This morning I went to let out my chickens, and he/she didn’t come out. At first I thought he/she was dehydrated as it has been hot here lately, so I gave it some cold water and sat it near the fan for a bit. Now he/she is in a spare outside pen, along side it’s brother/sister (they are the same age). He/she has been gasping, and making a high pitched, loud cough-like noise, almost like a honk. They also shook their head quite roughly once or twice. I gave him/her some general, diluted worming liquid, but I’m worried if it is gapeworm that this worming liquid won’t be enough to get rid of the worm. I am also wondering if I do purchase some gape worming supplement, if I should give it to the entire flock just to be safe? Thanks.

Okay so Gapeworm is something dangerous and if any symptoms with gape matches the immediate action is required ..

But to be honest Gapeworm is rare chicken who eat alot of Earthworm , Snails , Grasshopper or any direct dirt worms more prone to devlope the Gapeworm because dirt worm is the carrier of gapes .

Plus Snails and earthworms are massive carrier of Gapeworm

Gapeworm typical symptoms is Chicken Will long his beak high in the sky and shake it like..very noticeable symptom like he want to vomit something out from his throat

Because gape worm on attach with the Lining of throat it's important to treat at the first symptom

Albendazole is perfect and safe for gapes (as I read)

All the best!

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