Gape Worm? (Worming help)

Aunt ruth

Sep 25, 2013
The South
I noticed probably in February that my D'Uccle had was wheezing a bit and had her mouth open a lot and I gave her a .25 cc of Tylan 50 for five days to clear it up. A few days later my OEGB got it too and I treated her the same. The medicine completely healed the OEGB but my D'uccle still has her mouth open a lot( wheezing is gone though). I figured that is florida and it's hot and she had just started laying so I though maybe that had something to do with it so I didn't worry about it too much. Well now it's April and it seem she has a harder time eating. She looks like she is struggling to swallow her food. Is this a sign of gape worm? If it is what kind or wormer do you recommend and how much for how long? I was looking at possibly trying the febendazloe( probably spelled that wrong) anyway, the safeguard goat wormer. Has anyone had any experience with this?
I noticed probably in February that my D'Uccle had was wheezing a bit and had her mouth open a lot and I gave her a .25 cc of Tylan 50 for five days to clear it up. A few days later my OEGB got it too and I treated her the same. The medicine completely healed the OEGB but my D'uccle still has her mouth open a lot( wheezing is gone though). I figured that is florida and it's hot and she had just started laying so I though maybe that had something to do with it so I didn't worry about it too much. Well now it's April and it seem she has a harder time eating. She looks like she is struggling to swallow her food. Is this a sign of gape worm? If it is what kind or wormer do you recommend and how much for how long? I was looking at possibly trying the febendazloe( probably spelled that wrong) anyway, the safeguard goat wormer. Has anyone had any experience with this?
If your birds had gapeworm, they'd be dead by now. Most likely you're dealing with a respiratory problem due to previously successful treatment using tylan. It IS possible that due to our recent high temps, birds will open their mouths during hot temps and they slack off eating when it's hot, but will drink more water than in cooler/cold temps.
We've had alot of rain this year and the soil is warm and moist. I've already wormed my birds and it might be a good idea that you do the same. Safeguard liquid goat wormer is administered orally undiluted using a syringe without a needle. Dosage is 1/2cc for standard size birds, 1/4cc for smaller birds. Repeat dosing in 10 days. There's a 14 day withdrawal period after the last dosing.
The other weird thing is there is a third bird that never caught it. She isn't separated by any means and I find it odd that two got it, one still has it and and the other never had the slightest sniffle.

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