Gapeworm? or what?


In the Brooder
7 Years
Apr 26, 2012
I have a chicken still undecided if its a roo or hen that has been yawning he did it 2 days ago for 5 times in a row and now he slying under the son not playful with other hens that much but he was chasing alot of buttefflies a couple mins ago any help?
Haha theres anothe rproblem lol he eats alot jk haha no but he eats normally he lovesssss suwah leaves off the plant and cucumber leaves and yes we feed it alot of leftovers and bread and other food like rasberry.
He doesnt have gapeworm if he's eating normally. Gaping or opening the mouth could mean he's adjusting his crop to pass food to the gizzard or he might have something stuck in his throat and making adjustments. Gapeworm are not common in chickens.
ohhhh thx lol last question what does apple cider vinegar do alot of people say it helps the crop with something but what
ohhhh thx lol last question what does apple cider vinegar do alot of people say it helps the crop with something but what
Some say it helps prevent sour crop. ACV is an acidifier that lowers gut PH to help with bacterial issues. It also helps in calcium absorption. It will not kill internal parasites.

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