
New to this site, did you ever figure out what was the matter? Can’t find your end result. My girl had the exact same symptoms and I’m trying to figure out how to help her before it’s too late
New to this site, did you ever figure out what was the matter? Can’t find your end result. My girl had the exact same symptoms and I’m trying to figure out how to help her before it’s too late
Hi Nina,

did you manage to help your girl? Mine have the same problem and the avian vet dosed them both with Ivermectin so I’m hoping for the best. Hate when they get sick! Poor girls!X
Nope :( It’s so weird... I wish I could help you! She’s still alive somehow but just sleeping 24/7. She never had any weird poop, or any other signs of anything. My other girls seems to be fine and she’s been removed from them for almost 2 weeks now. She just stopped eating and started sleeping all day. I force fed her for the first few days trying to keep her strength up but when I realized that wasn’t doing anything I had hoped she would pass in her sleep but she’s still breathing. It’s so terrible.
Nope :( It’s so weird... I wish I could help you! She’s still alive somehow but just sleeping 24/7. She never had any weird poop, or any other signs of anything. My other girls seems to be fine and she’s been removed from them for almost 2 weeks now. She just stopped eating and started sleeping all day. I force fed her for the first few days trying to keep her strength up but when I realized that wasn’t doing anything I had hoped she would pass in her sleep but she’s still breathing. It’s so terrible.
Aww I really hope she is ok. I’m hoping to see change in mine within the next 24hrs! If your girl does in fact have gapeworm you should get some
Ivermectin from your local vet or order some flubenvet pellets from amazon! Best of luck to you xxx

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