Garage coop


May 11, 2020
Northern Indiana
We started framing up our coop in our second garage today. We've got 2 - 37x57 windows to put in, they are double hung which will allow for us to crack the top of them open for ventilation, that will be our next big project. Also need to do coop door and the barn vent fan, there is also about 4 inches around the tops of the interior walls that will allow air to circulate We have a few sheets of plywood to go up and ceiling + insulation. Climate controlled for our cold winters! I am super excited! Next weekend will be windows and what not, chicks are 2 weeks old. Hoping to get them out of the dog kennel first week of June. Then to get the outdoor run framed up and set, then we are fencing in 1/4 acre for free range when we are outside supervising.


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That looks like a lot of work! Can’t wait to see it when it’s done! I started our coop around 2 weeks also and barely finished by 7 weeks! It took us way longer than we thought though between kids and work. I’m impressed already by your design!
That looks like a lot of work! Can’t wait to see it when it’s done! I started our coop around 2 weeks also and barely finished by 7 weeks! It took us way longer than we thought though between kids and work. I’m impressed already by your design!

Thank you! Definitely a lot of work but both hubby and me are home indefinitely due to covid. Hubby is a techie and is working from home so 3 hours at the computer 2 hours to help me with the stuff I cant do myself or dont feel comfortable today scary task of shooting giant nail things into concrete with this thing that was like a legit gun with a bullet 🤣. I'm pretty capable when it comes to most stuff and will have roost and nesting boxes done before the weekend. Our girls are 6 and 7, they are decent go getters and help they helped me move 9 kayaks so we could get in here to start working! Windows will be a full day of work for sure but after we get those in I will feel comfortable moving the chicks out at least for more space when we arent working. It is 7x14 and I'm planning a "lock off" in the middle made of chicken wire and frame with a screen door, so it could essentially be two coops, so if we need to be working and its not loud crazy power tools we will have the option to shut them in the side opposite of where we are working on.
Wow! You put a lot of thought into that. I think that all sounds great! So wonderful you and your husband can tag team! It’s so nice when you can all pitch in like that. It makes it feel more like a family project. Awesome. Covid has made us all appreciate the togetherness I think. We’re stuck home too but my kids are all under 5 and my husband has strengths but cant do building stuff so I had to wait until the weekends which was no fun ha keep us updated on the progress! Windows will make such a big change to the space. That’ll be an exciting step! Using all of that equipment makes it feel more real I bet!
Today's progress! Nesting boxes done for the most part, I have hatches to add to the exterior. Also got the roost done, pull out poop tray hatch too to access from exterior! Got windows framed up, we will cut the final holes tomorrow and get them in! And a pic of one of the babies 🤣


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Nice!! I love it!! You’ve done a great job. I can’t quite picture it all together but I’m not good at that. This bad I can’t take a 3D tour lol Excited to see windows! Must be awesome seeing your plan come to life. Look at those little feathers coming in! How sweet!!
Nice!! I love it!! You’ve done a great job. I can’t quite picture it all together but I’m not good at that. This bad I can’t take a 3D tour lol Excited to see windows! Must be awesome seeing your plan come to life. Look at those little feathers coming in! How sweet!!

I cant wait to give a full tour!!! I imagine in the next week hopefully! Our barn vent fan will be here Monday and the tray liners for nests tomorrow! Hubby will need to get our remote control coop door set up then...he is the best! I'll be able to open the coop from my phone, he even ordered the chickens their own camera so I can monitor from my phone too lol
Omg I didn’t know they had remote doors!! I would’ve so done that! I’ve been wanting a camera too...chicken tv.

What we will have is not anything you can buy but there are some options. My husband does building automation for a living lol so a $40 linear actuator and controls etc he all ready has and in a few hours it should be up and running. Our house is operated via our phones all most completely -oven, lights, heating and cooling, cameras, refrigerator, lol you name it - not all set up by him a lot of it is purchased ready to go like our appliances but "automated" is in our blood so it only makes sense our coop will be too 🤣
Oh!!! Well I’m jealous lol Let me know if he’s taking orders haha jk if you have a smart house, naturally you should have a smart coop!

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