Gardener snakes and chickens


Mar 24, 2020
New Jersey
I’ve had many gardener snakes around the coop and run area. One was in the run. One was outside the run. Three today. Can they hurt the chickens? I’ve only been finding them when I’m around them but when I’m gone and not able to get the snake right away and the chickens bug the snake will it hurt them? Cause the snakes are mean every time I bug them so I would think there the same with the chickens. So far they’ve all gave me the warning and walked away from the snake. My rooster is the first to run😂.
I assume Gardener snake is a local dialect for Garter snakes?

I used to get those all the time at my parents house. They can get pretty big, but the only real threat I would expect from them is if you have layers that are dropping small eggs - might have some eggs go missing.

But yea, the Garters on the smaller end, I would imagine they would not fare well around the chickens. I found a dead lizard in my house the other day (guess it got in and the cats found it), tossed the corpse to the chickens and... it did not last long before it was completely consumed.

Chickens are just miniature dinosaurs. And they have NOT forgotten their heritage.
I’ve had many gardener snakes around the coop and run area. One was in the run. One was outside the run. Three today. Can they hurt the chickens? I’ve only been finding them when I’m around them but when I’m gone and not able to get the snake right away and the chickens bug the snake will it hurt them? Cause the snakes are mean every time I bug them so I would think there the same with the chickens. So far they’ve all gave me the warning and walked away from the snake. My rooster is the first to run😂.
Some garter snakes have a mild neurotoxic venom, but it is generally harmless to humans unless you are sensitive to it. I would definitely be more worried about the snake in this case than the chicken. :D I've seen my flocks in the past take down garter snakes and there is very little left afterward. Once chickens realize something is edible and probably can't hurt them (much,) I've found they'll try to take it down. Little raptors!
I've had them eat eggs and baby chicks. I've also had them kill two larger 6 week chicks that were too big to swallow but left them dead with slobbered up heads.
A garter snake?? I don't see how a garter snake could possibly kill a 6 week old chick. Garter snakes are colubrids and they do not constrict their prey, they just grab and swallow, mostly just bugs, frogs and small fish and rodents.
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A garter snake?? I don't see how a garter snake could possibly kill a 6 week old chick. Garter snakes are colubrids, they do not constrict their prey, they just grab and swallow, mostly just bugs, frogs and small fish and rodents.
Depends on the geolocation/species. Thamnophis elegans do constrict their prey.

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