They're supposed to be near here and the new place all year round. We'll set out nest boxes and see what we get. We get an amazing variety of birds here in Potland (was going to correct the spelling but this is Portland so good enough :)) so I am betting it'll be even better at the coast.
We had a nest of them in the house i built outside the kitchen window. That house was full every year.
Have this one that I rent out to sparrows every year.
Yes, it's home made. If you look about 24 inches below it, you can see the remains of the previous one still screwed onto trunk.
I made it in such a way that it has good ventilation and stays dry inside. The roof is 2 solid boards that overhang the edges. The sides are made of sticks that are spaced apart so if there is any unwanted ooooze from the occupants, can easily egress. The birds each year build new nesting inside. Throw out previous years bedding. And they do it without me telling them to,:D.
My son for his Eagle Scout Project, made a large number of birdhouses pretty much identical to this one. He manufactured them with the help of his fellow scouts in his troop. Then one Sunday morning, set up a table in front of the Parish,(that is the place where we held our meetings) and with his fellow scouts, offered these houses to all that passed by. Free of course. They also offered to install these in the peeps yards if necessary. Nobody needed the installation. Most of the seasoned citizens, just smiled, and said, "Oh thank you,,,,, I'll just get my son/grandson,Etc, to do it:)"

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