Gardening question:PLEASE HELP

If it were my garden I'd do the insecticidal soap thing if I was really worried. You can buy it at home depot or wherever or you can make it. You may have to apply and reapply later.

Here's some more recipes that may be helpful:

A healthy plant will naturally resist aphids and such. Make sure its getting enough food, light, etc.

Seaweed (maxicrop brand) is always good for prevention but certainly won't treat anything. I'm not sure what it does exactly but its organic and it stimulates good health in plants. Regular seaweeding, I'm told, will prevent some problems. I use seaweed fairly regularly and have had good results. I can pick maxicrop seaweed up at my grocery store.
Insecticidal soap works great and is very safe. I work in a greenhouse and that's what I use. It kills by suffocation so it doesn't kill the eggs so it needs to be reapplied several times to mkae sure you kill all the newly hatched bugs.
Insecticidal soap, DE, or home made insecticidal soap.

I used DE (purchased just this weekend) around the edges of my garden to prevent slugs and ants from coming around. I actually haven't had a problem with slugs now that I have my ladies around. I was starting to have a problem with flies and sugar ants ( the nest in the flower bed next door). I did not dust any of my veggies with DE if I get a really bad aphid problem on my hops I may use it but the lady bugs really love the aphids (a real problem here in the NW).

Generic home made insecticidal soap: Oil (a few tablespoons or less), dish soap, and water.
Mix in DE if you want to risk killing beneficial insects.

My Mixture for aphids in the greenhouse (this was before I knew about DE which would also take care of the eggs). You do have to be an adult to make this mixture due to nicotine being the main poison.

1 package of cheap as you can find loose tobacco or can of chew, let it soak in water or alcohol for a day, week, month... and use it as a part of the insecticidal soap. But I don't like the idea of having nicotine on my veggies (used it on non-edibles).


Edited to add:

I forgot to mention you can alway wash DE off after your problem bugs go away, or before flowering/fruiting of your garden to prevent killing our wonderful pollinators
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Soapy water ever few days does wonders. Also, marigolds planted between the tomatos really helps.

I just soapy water, heavy water spray will break your tomato plants... or at least mine... which are whimpy and just planted... Also, water on leaves in this area = instant rot. Yet some how the rain doesnt bother them... go figure.
Thank you so much everybody! I'll use the dishsoap with water thing until I can get some insecticidal soap. Geez I never had a problem until this year, because usually I figure eh if they grow they grow. Now this year I REALLY want them for my chickens, so now they get the bugs Grrrrrr

Thanks again and have a nice day:)

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