Garlic-y bits in droppings


Obviously, it was mixed with a leaf and other yard debris.
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@Sentience call the state vet or the lab closest to you and ask about have some poop checked for worms, coccidia, bacteria and yeast.

Hi Kathy and others-

So, I added grit the next day after my original post. I also went 2-3 days with crumbles/grit and water (w/ a little acv) only. Their behavior and appearance is great. No change. Their poop also started looking more normal. Today tho, I noticed (see pic) what seems like the same type of 'garlic-y' bits in it. It even has the consistency of garlic. I believe Maggie, my White Sussex dropped it. She was also in the nesting box when I walked into coop which is odd for her, unless she was laying which is very possible. I don't believe she is broody (I've been through that with Loretta, my 5 yr old Buff Orp). I encouraged her out of the box and she started roaming the yard, scratching, acting totally normal. They all have been roaming now for 45 minutes just like usual. If you look closely, you'll see a very dark red/brown area in Maggie's poop (the attached pic). Could be blood but not sure. If she was getting sick I doubt she would be free ranging, eating, drinking, interacting like usual.

This is puzzling me. I may be overreacting, but always want to jump out in front of any issues.

Question about fecal lab tests: How fresh does the sample need to be before sending or taking in?



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