Garlic-y bits in droppings

Looks like undigested corn... kinda gross sorry, but looks like my kid's poo after they eat corn lol... was my first thought when I saw your picture and then I read your post... corn was on your list
Quote: That was definitely one of the many helpful bits of information I learned on BYC, so many thanks to you!
Many peafowl owners were also feeding it, but thanks to you I was able to share what I had learned and now none of us feed it.

As for grit, I was going to mention that, but you beat me to it, lol.

Looks like undigested corn... kinda gross sorry, but looks like my kid's poo after they eat corn lol... was my first thought when I saw your picture and then I read your post... corn was on your list
I agree, you can also see what looks like grape peel and wheat grass.

Adding grit to their diet seems like a good idea. I have never seen undigested food Paticles in my chicken's poop. My chickens only get a few table scraps and fermented All Flock.

Edited because spell check is stupid.......
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Everyone here has given you great advice, but I will also add, be careful with electrolytes. They are mostly salt, and drinking this every day can cause diarrhea and then they get dehydrated. So only a couple of times a week on that stuff. You are better off with cold fruit, veggies and berries to keep them cool. Or even ice cubes in the water. :)

Everyone here has given you great advice, but I will also add, be careful with electrolytes. They are mostly salt, and drinking this every day can cause diarrhea and then they get dehydrated. So only a couple of times a week on that stuff. You are better off with cold fruit, veggies and berries to keep them cool. Or even ice cubes in the water.

Good point!


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