Gave my bird away, then got him back... Now he looks different!!!

You may have saved him from being used for fighting too.
I suspect that is why they dubbed him. WHy else only keep a bunch of noisy roosters? I'm sure it wasn't for there eggs!!
Glad you got him back!
Hi all,

Wow love these posts. I definitely love everyone's views on the dubbing situation. Your thoughts are greatly appreciated.
The things that past poultry keepers did, be it fighting or what not has changed greatly. People still do the dubbing for shows, frostbite, and other reasons. That is the choice of the keeper, due to climate, etc.

I see a lot of feral fowl roaming and can't stand to see my neighbors birds mucking up things around me but at least they stay clear of my run and birds. Due to males territorial nature to protect their flock, they stay clear cause I would hate to see what will happen if those feral birds get in to the run while my birds are in there. and i hope to god that doesn't happen.

I am glad animals bounce back and can thrive after hardship.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't the average day-time winter temperature in Hawaii around 70? Why does everyone keep bringing up frost-bite?
Oh my!

He was a beautiful roo, then they went & did that. He still has pretty feathers though. I'm just not a fan of the dubbed look, but would do it if frostbite was an issue.

Do they EVER grow back once dubbed?
Again thanks all for your aloha and support. My roos comb, prior to his crew-comb (crew cut), was showing discoloration. I had to massage it so it turned red again.

In fact, the girls he is with now thought he was a Hen so they challenged him. But he just danced for them and they submitted to him. This is the first time my girls encountered a dubbed male. So they needed to adjust. I thought he was going kill the girls. (Fearing that he may have been used as a Fighting cock.) But again that may is not the case, Thank Goodness.

Thanks Again Everyone,
Hens will challenge new roosters that come into the flock, it's not uncommon.. And in that, roosters then will treat them as any threat and fight back firstly trying to show off how big/"beautiful" they are to scare away the threat. This is experienced in almost if not EVERY species known to man.. Even humans if you watch people when they argue. (And then turn physical usually if it is two women/two men.) and even if he was "used as a fighting cock" he wouldn't hurt you're hens or you unless he was aggressive by nature
. It's genetically "in-coded" into Gamefowl and gamefowl alone, other breeds have it as well but it's not enough to fight to the death or close.. And being genetic they will only show aggression to that of other cocks, Or hen's in a hens case.. Though hen's will sometimes attack a rooster.. (If i went too far with the genetically in-coded stuff mods, feel free to edit but i'd appreciate it if you just edited THAT PART..and not the entire post).

As for the other people that always jump onto "You know what" when they see a dubbed rooster, you should really do a lot of research into breeds and not pass judgment upon people you don't know, just because people have a lot of roosters does not mean ANYTHING.. Personally i love to have roosters around to hear them crow.. And there is a old friend of the family (died recently in his 90's) that has "Mississippi feral chickens" as i call them sometimes though they are mutts that have just been put on the yard and raised themselves up all these years. I would say there are easily 20 roosters or more in that "flock", and about the same amount of hens though it could be more or less.

Just because the kid's dubbed the rooster does not give you any reason to call them little monsters or flame them... They are kids... And they may not have known that was bad, just saw it and thought "Hey that improves the roosters look!" or who knows what.. It isn't like the kids wore little devil horns and red capes then ran out with a rusty dull knife as they slowly grind through the comb while 4 of them hold his head down to a rock. (I know.. Graphic but still).

I also believe that dubbing a rooster doesn't hurt them at all, or it is very little.. If it did hurt terribly i would say they would show signs of it.. They'd be more afraid of people.. Maybe cause swelling since most pain does (though of course for swelling to happen blood would have to gather in that point, and blood would rush to that area due to pain, being removed though of course it wouldn't be able to swell until it was scabbed (a couple hours-a day later).. But they don't bleed terribly much (usually stops within a hour or so, and especially doesn't bleed much if you put flour/sugar on it, doesn't even run down their face which is one reason i do not believe the combs/wattles cool them down, as from what i've read that comes from blood circulating through them which just from what i expect as common sense, i haven't researched it VERY much so i can be wrong.. I would expect since blood is supposably circulated through the comb to cool them down that it'd bleed heavily due to every bit of blood that was going to be circulated?). Not to mention since people like to compare animals to people.. If they are anything like people if it caused pain, like most believe it does.. I can guarantee any person would lie around for days to a week, and would never let anyone even get CLOSE to it..


PS. Personally i think you people should be a little less judgmental. I'll admit i am judgmental as well at times but at least i do read over my posts while making them, re-read, come back later and read it again to make sure that i didn't come off too much of a jerk and if i see it.. A lot of the times i will edit it. If you can't say something nice maybe you shouldn't say it at all, and this is coming from a teen
.. The "Aww that's so horrible, i thought he looked better before he was dubbed" is about all you should have said unless she/he asked for you're opinion on the people themselves... Even then you can try to keep it civil.

ETA: And i encourage everyone... RESEARCH RESEARCH RESEARCH, everything you say should be researched thoroughly to decrease confusion.. We all know we don't need more confusion in the world.. If you say something that you haven't researched. A simple "Im not sure, but i believe it's right, Someone correct me if im wrong." is what i use and encourage others to use it as well so that it can be corrected and we won't pass stuff that's false along to others...
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