Gender??? **More pics added on pg. 3***


Not Jaunty:


Not jaunty:

Juanty, but not manly:

Ok- I am done now.
Maybe a few other people will pipe up & vote on your pretty birdy.
Hmmm...I know the coloring would be considered "partridge" for sure, & I agree on the manliness qualities. I have a blue frizzle/silkie cross with smooth feathers that looks a lot like yours, but your chick's tail is a lot less rounded. Mine's a girl though - about 12 weeks old & NOWHERE NEAR the wattle color yours has. Hope this was even an iota of help...("iota" was my vocabulary contribution....
Well, looks like there's not really a definite roo or hen answer yet...guess I'll post more pics in a week or two and we can evaluate his/her jauntiness then
In my humble opinion, I do see the jauntiness factor of the one tail feather.
Considering age, I would have to say it is leaning toward a boy.
Could you have picked a more difficult parentage combo to try to guess???? EEs are bad to figure before they crow or lay, Silkies are just as bad if not worse, and you had to go and put them together?!?!?!?!?!? What are you crazy?
Oh, sorry, got a head full of steam going there for a minute.
I am going to just say it, it is a cockerel. There. I did it. If I am wrong, may I be cursed to clean chicken crap for the next ten years.
i'm thinking roo too... he's rather interesting looking though.. i'd love to see pics of him in a few months.. see how he grows...
Really Cute! Love the poof on the head and five toes. Maybe an EE with a five toed breed in there somewhere. Would love to see him (um, I think roo) in a few weeks too!
ROFLOL, OMG that's funny. I laughed so loud I woke my daughter up!

On your chick. It's a cockerel. Looking at the pointy crest feathers they say male. The pointy hackle feathers say male. The hint of saddle feathers say male. As does his future jaunty feather. Comb/wattles say it too.

Now watch it lay an egg... :O

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