Gender of Light Brahma


8 Years
Jul 21, 2011
Hi! I picked up a Light Brahma on Monday afternoon from a friend who said it was a hen. Then yesterday afternoon I heard crowing! I could not see who was crowing but I know it wasn't my Leghorns or Wyandotte. I haven't heard anything since. The Brahma is about 14 - 16 weeks old. I can't upload a picture yet because I just joined. I did upload a pic of the chicken to my profile pic. Hopefully it can be seen there. I will upload more pics when I can. Thanks.
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Cockerel, 100% sure. See those long, pointy feathers just before the tail that are starting to hang over the wing? Those are male saddle feathers.
Gosh I hope you need a roo! He is really handsome, they are one of my favorite breeds!

Oh, and
Thanks for everyone's input. He has been crowing like crazy all morning. We can't keep roosters where we live so I will be taking him back to my friend's place today:(. He is really pretty!

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