Gender of Light Brahmas??


10 Years
Aug 27, 2009
I know this isn't the greatest picture, but it's what I could get as of last night. They were having fun snacking on leftover brussel sprout plants

Any ideas as to the gender of my light brahmas? They all look like roos to me except MAYBE the one on the right front, but I'm not positive and before I take them off to auction I'd like to know if any may be hens!!!


I'm seeing some saddle feathers on the 2 in back. So those would be roosters. How old are they? The one in front may be a pullet, but those legs look pretty thick.
Thanks for fixing the picture!

The one in the back is the oldest, he is about 6 months old and a rooster for sure. The other two are the same age - about 5 months old. The part that is deceiving is that even the oldest isn't crowing yet - I have a large bantam (or small LF, whichever!!) rooster who is "alpha roo" in there so not sure if that's why, but they all get along so far since they grew up together. Plus it's a large coop with about 12 hens in there, so plenty of room to stay apart.

Regardless, if they are roos they will have to go... I already have too many! :-(
Brahmas are supposed to have thick legs.

Edit: Since the two up front are younger, I'd say both cockerels.
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approximately at what age do light brahma cockerels start to develop/grow...
1) saddle feathers?
2) pea combs?

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