Gender of Rhode Island Red?


7 Years
Feb 18, 2012
Hello, I am new to this site and based in Australia. I would love to hear your thoughts on what sex you think our newest chook is. I was told by the breeder that she is a Rhode Island Red. We are hoping she is a girl as we live in a suburban area and have already had to return 2 rosters. I am worries by the green feathers appearing in the tail as these look a bit suspicious. The chicken is about 10/11 weeks old. The comb is still small so I am hopeful, but the feathers are a little worrying. What do you think? Thanks,
I have a RIR rooster - and his comb/wattles were larger at that age. That doesn't guarantee it's a girl, though. However, I am thinking yours is probably a girl.
Thanks for the responses, I have taken some new photos today as I'm still not sure. The wattle and comb are still small, but there are definitely some pretty green feathers coming through the tail that look roosterish. I think the chook must be about 14/15 weeks old now. I was told it was a Rhode Island red, but I don't know how pure it is and I am in Australia so I don't know if our version of RIR deviates from the original American breed - I didn't expect green feathers. Sorry for the poor quality photos, he/she is a bit flighty and didn't like me chasing her around with my camera phone! Thanks for your help! Tracey
*take my opinion with a grain of salt, as I am definitely not an expert*

If your RIR is almost 3 months old, I'd lean towards it being a girl. My next door neighbor bought 8 RIR as day old chicks, and one turned out to be a rooster. I remember his comb being significantly larger than that by 12 weeks. Also, the wattles were definitely more pronounced.

Here's a picture of my neighbor's RIR when it was 7 weeks old. Note how you can really see the wattles on him, whereas on your RIR, I can't see wattles really at all.

On the other hand, yours does have something about it that doesn't scream pullet. Maybe it's the legs?
Looks like a pullet to me. Not sure though. But im leaning a bit on it being a pullet.

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