Gender Please


In the Brooder
6 Years
Mar 9, 2013
So Cal (sorta), California
This is a hatchery Golden Laced Wyandotte: I think its a roo but I would feel better if I had some more experienced opinions. I can take different pictures if that would be helpful. They are roughly 6 weeks old. I am positive the other two I have are females, but I am afraid this little one is a boy.
Thanks for your help!

Thanks everyone! I appreciate the quick reply, and the seasoned opinion.

I really didn't want him to be a him, since we can't have rooster's in our town. I do not think I will have much trouble re-homing him though since the next 3 closest towns are rooster friendly.

Have a great weekend, I will be working like a mad squirrel to get their coop/run finished. They are definitely ready to head outside.

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