

7 Years
Apr 24, 2012
Desert, S. CA

I got the 2 black ones from the feed store. One is supposedly a Barred Rock and the other a Black Sexlink. The black one with the shorter tail - boy???? It's at the top of both pics. It's a bigger chick than the others, heavy. The other 2 seem to have bigger tails, the Buff Orp and the "Barred Rock."
I am pretty sure that neither of those are barred rocks, or even plymouth rocks at all.

And I am not sure if they are black sexlinks, if they are then you should get 100 percent sexing rate as they are color sexed at hatch

Edited for grammer and spelling.
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Oops I accidentally hit submit.

Anyhow...... sometime pullets look like they are getting a roo tail but in reality it is a girl. I have several hens that have a more curved tail. As they get older roos get a much much more curved tail. So when they are young the tails can be decieving.

If you are still worried about having a roo as they get older look for comb development, saddle feathers, and hackle feathers.

Hope this helps
If I remember correctly, a Black Sex Link roo would look a lot like a Barred Rock so at hatch he would be black with a white dot on top of his head and would eventually feather out to have a pretty overall black and white barring pattern. Black Sex Link pullets hatch out black with a few patches of white (but not on the top of their head) and when they feather out they will be black with predominantly red and a little bit of black neck feathering. So safe to say you don't have a Barred Rock chick as it would have a pretty overall black and white barring pattern starting to come in by now. It really looks to me like you have two Black Sex Link pullets and a.....? I have no experience with Buff Orpingtons so couldn't tell you on that one. At this stage you can't go by tail size alone to determine sex but if the 2 black ones are Black Sex Links they are automatically female because they have no dots on their heads. My suggestion is to wait another 4 to 6 weeks and post new pictures of your chicks. By then it will be much easier to determine sex and breed more definitively. Hope this helped a bit?
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Thanks, guys. I think you are right. I have 2 Black Sexlinks. I know at the feed store they were hopping over the barrier into the other pens of chicks, but they looked different to me. I will post pics in 2 weeks. :)
I the 1st pic is that 5 toes on the buff birds feet or is that a toe from the other foot behind it? I cant tell.

Looks like a buff orp to me, though if it does have 5 toes I can't think of any buff breeds with 5 toes. I hope you get more opinions, But again it looks like an orp to me.

Hope this helps

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