Generations of love- a chicken story


Rose and Trickster grew up together, they were perfect pair staying together forever, raising a small family of their own.

Diesel was the head rooster and Sympathy was his first hen. They had a large family of 9 chicks , Mo, Joe, Missy, Chrissy, Lola,bLindsey, Eden, Lucy, and Faith the second.

Elliott won best of show in the world championships, winning the two legged's affection and retiring as a house chicken.

Phil and Lil were living in a large henhouse with 5 other chickens happily.

I loved the story, wish we could have heard more about the chicks getting older and then have their own. I hope you write more stories, I will keep looking.
omg this should be a movie, with a little bit more scenes and viola there u have it a good movie, u know what would be cute is if u had a cornish cross chick character who is like the funny sidekick that always eat
Hmmmmmmm...........the two legged could move to a new house, and forgot to take the characters (chickens) out of the moving van! Then the moving van guy is Italian, and ships to chickens on a boat to Italy, and lets them loose accidentally when they arrive in Italy!!!!
Don't ask how I came up with that lol!!
Hmmmmmmm...........the two legged could move to a new house, and forgot to take the characters (chickens) out of the moving van! Then the moving van guy is Italian, and ships to chickens on a boat to Italy, and lets them loose accidentally when they arrive in Italy!!!!
Don't ask how I came up with that lol!!


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