Genesis 1588 Not maintaining temp?


9 Years
Jan 29, 2010

This will be my 3rd hatch in this incubator. I bought it about 2 years ago and hatched 2 sets out at first. The first had a nearly 100% hatch rate and the second went down to 35% or so. I did notice that the temperature did not want to stay up when I was setting my second batch but called the company and they said it was fine, just my thermometers (yes, I have 2 in there). It wanted to set at 98.7F. I carefully stored everything and now I want to do another hatch. But once again my temp is sitting at 98.7F and i am wondering if I once again assume that the incubator is more reliable than my thermometers or see about making a change.

Location: the incubator stays out of the sun in a corner of my door closed all the time office. I do keep the house temp set a little cool at 65F durign the winter but also tried adding a good room heater to see if it was just a cool house and the bator maintained 98.7F even though I brought the room temp up to 75F for 24 hours.

I plan on setting my own chicken eggs this first hatch and then a second set with some bought or traded eggs (anyone have neat chickens south of Atlanta). But I really want to see a good hatch before I add another variable into the hatching equation.



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