Genetics and Vorwerks


Nov 9, 2020
Northwestern MT, US
I’ve been very interested in Vorwerks lately and have been thinking of eventually attempting to create a new breed from them. :jumpy

I only know the very basics of genetics and colorization. Such as pigmentation and the structure of DNA but I don’t know nearly enough about the pattern and color genetics. For now I am focusing on hens.
I have a few questions.
Do you know of any good articles or websites that explain how genetics alter color and pattern? I’m also very interested in peafowl and turkeys so I’ll gladly accept a link explaining them, too!
Can the red color of the body be diluted or changed by breeding to different breeds? Such as to a buff or cream?
If hypermelanism were bred into them so they could have a dark comb, wattles, earlobes, and feet could orange (carotenoid) specks appear in dark brown (phaeomelanin) eyes?

I’d also love to hear stories about Vorwerks, experiences, photos, etc.
I also love turkeys and peafowl and may breed one of them too, so stories about them are also appreciated!
What a unique interest! You should definitely try breeding them, they are very rare and need more interest.
Do you know of any good articles or websites that explain how genetics alter color and pattern?
I’m also very interested in peafowl and turkeys so I’ll gladly accept a link explaining them, too!
vvv explore this site for more info

Can the red color of the body be diluted or changed by breeding to different breeds? Such as to a buff or cream?
Yes, theoretically, though it would be quite difficult. You could lighten it to buff with Dilute, or lighten it to Lemon, though that would be harder.
More interestingly, you could add mahogany, though this may extend the red.
If hypermelanism were bred into them so they could have a dark comb, wattles, earlobes, and feet could orange (carotenoid) specks appear in dark brown (phaeomelanin) eyes?
Yes they could be fibromelanistic, which is actually a really interesting idea. It would be black on the edges and gold in the middle.
What a unique interest! You should definitely try breeding them, they are very rare and need more interest.
Do you know of any good articles or websites that explain how genetics alter color and pattern?
I’m also very interested in peafowl and turkeys so I’ll gladly accept a link explaining them, too!
vvv explore this site for more info

Can the red color of the body be diluted or changed by breeding to different breeds? Such as to a buff or cream?
Yes, theoretically, though it would be quite difficult. You could lighten it to buff with Dilute, or lighten it to Lemon, though that would be harder.
More interestingly, you could add mahogany, though this may extend the red.
If hypermelanism were bred into them so they could have a dark comb, wattles, earlobes, and feet could orange (carotenoid) specks appear in dark brown (phaeomelanin) eyes?
Yes they could be fibromelanistic, which is actually a really interesting idea. It would be black on the edges and gold in the middle.
Thank you! I think they’re underrated and haven’t seen nearly enough love for the breed.
Lemon would be an interesting color to attempt, definitely worth a try.
The gold middle with dark edges is really interesting and sounds like it looks cool. Definitely something I might try to breed in.
Thank you very much for all the information!

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