Genetics for dummies?!

Hello all,

I'm trying to figure out and dissect a project before starting. I run into conflicting information regarding creating citron and citron spangled. I find some refer to the cream gene (ig) to dilute and create the pale citron color. I then come across others that use the lavender gene to dilute red to lemon yellow... and call it lemon.

Can someone explain to me the basics of these two colors, citron and lemon? Are they a similar end with different paths of diluting?


p.s. Genetics are not my strong point.. though I'm working on it.
The color based on lavender is isabel, not lemon. The ig gene has the advantage that you can get the black parts in any (eumelanin) color you like, not just lavender (or lighter)
The color based on lavender is isabel, not lemon. The ig gene has the advantage that you can get the black parts in any (eumelanin) color you like, not just lavender (or lighter)
Thank you Henk69!

Now this gives me even more to chew on and process. I'll be back with more questions after I've thought it through. :)

I appreciate your help as this clarifies a lot!!!!

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