

Eggxhausted Momma
9 Years
May 5, 2010
Perry GA
okay so I have eggs in the bator but I started with 16 and with 2 days to go I am down to 3 eggs, here's what I need to know. I have runners, swedish mixes and pekins, all together, they cross mate and I need to know, can the runners cross with pekins? I mean they are do different in shape and build it seems like that may be sort of what went wrong with the hatch, but then this is my first duck hatch too so it could totally be my ignorance too.
All breeds can mate and produce offspring- unless you are talking about muscovies- and then the resulting crossed babies will be sterile and not able to reproduce. Sorry you havent had a better first incubation. It really isnt as easy as heat, humidity and turning- there are so many things that can go wrong. I learn so many things the hard way when I first bought my incubator.
well I have incubated before but I usually do quail. I have never attempted ducks lol. It is very different. I figured they could and I knew about the mules I read about them before. I dont like muscovies, they just arent my style lol. I just wondered if there was a fatal gene with the runners crossing with pekins that I didnt know about or something but it may just be my poor duck bator skills LMAO
Nothing to worry about. Crested ducks could be an issue, but the rest is fine. Be prepared for long hatching times. I mean quails zip and jump out in like 10 seconds (literally meaning), compared to 2 days in ducks. Ducks are really slow in their hatching process.
I sooooo noticed that lol. Took them both like 24-36 hours haha. I have two out of the whole bunch that made it. I am just glad it was more than one. I couldnt make the time to be a duck buddy lol.
lol. Yeah they are so darn adorable! I had them in my lap for like an hour and I put them back in the brooder, they got mad at me, they are in there peeping at the top of their lungs now LOL.
How could you abandon them? You should have at least climbed with them into the brooder. That is what they were saying.
They get so attached, oh I want more ducky babies. Today I've got my toes nibbled on because they wanted more lettuce to chew. It's so sweet then they do that.
lordy, you should have seen them tonight! I had them out on the floor and they were following me around like I was a momma duck it was soooooo funny!!!!!
here are some pictures, finally got them uploaded been so busy!



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