Georgia/Alabama Swap Day June 13 Cedartown, Ga Ya'll Come!!!!


It's All About Chicken Math
12 Years
Apr 29, 2007
We have finalized details.

Date: June 13

Time: 10-3

Where Cedartown, Ga

We will post directions a little later.

We will be offering Hamburgers, Hotdogs, Chips, Drinks, Snacks at a modest cost for lunch.

If you have a tent/canopy it would be a good idea to bring that to set up.
I will be getting some items to Raffle and possibly do a Silent Auction. I will look into a Charity to donate proceeds too.
I have a couple tables we can set up too.

I would like to get a rough head count, it would be nice to let James know how many of us Chicken Nuts he can expect, also for food planning purposes.

I have already Spoken to a T-Shirt Maker (the Transfers) about coming and setting up, she would need electricity, so I will leave that up to James, if he wants to allow us to suck up some watts.

Any suggestions/feedback is welcome.

I personally would like to see this be a success and enough participation so that we can do this at least twice a year.
Count me in, I will have Black and Blue Silkies that will be 3-31/2 months old and 9 week old Bantam Cochins. I may have others as well.

Looking forward to meeting everyone.
Count me in. I don't know what I will have to sell, maybe some Barnevelders, Welsummers, Frizzles. Should be fun. James I want first dibs on your basement.

We have talked about it and would like very much for some of you who craft to bring your handi-crafts and set up for people to browse. We think this will add to interest and more to enjoy

Let us know ahead of time and you will have to provide your own tent and table.
I'm trying my best to be there. DH and DS do BRAG in the summers and thats the day I'm supposed to pick them up from Savannah Lakes. Opposite sides of Ga. I probably wont have anything to get rid of but I'm always looking for a new addition!
I am working on putting together items for a Raffle and a Silent Auction. We are looking for a Rescue for Chickens/Animals of some sort to donate proceeds to.

We will likely have some feed, also putting together some "baskets" of items, Gardening, Chicken related, Cooking

Any suggestions for items you wouldlike to see in the Raffle and Auction let either me or Pumpkinpup know.

If enough interest, I might see if the Purina Reps would come and do a "seminar"
I am very excited about this! I'm making some hand painted chicken decor items and will try and think of some other things I can take.
I made this plaque/key rack for another BYC member. It is a good example of the type things I plan on bringing.

I will also have some tubs of Food Grade DE to sell.
Robin, that is pretty.

I'll be there Lord willing and the creek don't rise.

Very egg-cited. Thank you and Karen for getting this rolling and thanks you to James for hosting.

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