Georgia/Alabama Swap Day June 13 Cedartown, Ga Ya'll Come!!!!

My silky hens decided to make their own change of plans and didn't even bother to tell me
All but one of them have just decided to to start setting today. So I'll be bringing the following now instead.

white silky roo
several standard light brahma 2 month old chicks
neighbors RIR roo

***and a rabbit if someone in charge reads this post and ok's it***
I forgot I wanted to throw in an idea to keep your birds happy and cool tomorrow. I'm going to bring a cooler with ice water and several towels to dowse in the ice water and wring out enough so they're not dripping wet, then I can drape them over their cages to help keep them cool.

Just thought I'd share that idea, I'm sure those gel cooling pads for the furry pets would work too if anyone has those.

Can't wait to meet everyone and and all the feathered friends too!
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I am asking that everyone please be considerate tomorrow, this is James residence. Parking is designated and there is also a NO PARKING area, this is his neighbors yard.

Parking will basically be along the right side of his drive all the way up towards the house and an area on the left near the house. We will try to direct everyone around the area to set up their birds.
This will go off easily if everyone pays attention and treats James residence with respect.
We are asking, if you need electricity to bring your own cords and pay James $5.00.

We will have concessions , Robin and I are doing Hamburgers, Hotdogs, Chips, Nachos, Drinks, Ice Pops and Funnel Cakes.

James' daughter will have Lemonade, Ice Tea, Cokes and I believe sweets.

We are looking forward to meeting everyone, enjoy a great day and having a Great Time!

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